Chapter 7

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Aquamarine had found it easy to go back to sleep, after the little excitement that came from her trying out her powers for the first time since middle school. It was now the first day of school, and Aquamarine had chosen her same outfit that she wore to Fish N' Chips, but put a fuzzy white jacket over it, to hide her shoulders due to the school's dress code. She was met in the shared compartment of her dorm to Electra already cooking up some breakfast.

"Oh, good morning, silly!" Electra said with a smile. She had a blue sleeveless top on but with yellow sleeve going from ehr elbows to her wrist, a blue skirt with a yellow belt, the same two colors fading in and out with each other on her leggings, along with green lace shoes that looked somewhat similar to Aquamarine's teal lace shoes.

"Good morning..." Aquamarine mumbled, stifling a yawn. "You seem energized today."

"Yep! I use electricity to charge, so I'm usually very energized, as I get way more energy than I need when I charge overnight. I thought I'd go ahead and cook up some breakfast for the first day of school!" Electra nodded, grinning. "Do you like pancakes?"

Aquamarine shrugged. "I've never had them. Are they anything like seaweed-cakes?" Aquamarine cocked an eyebrow.

Electra looked at Aquamarine, her eyes huge. "You've never had pancakes!?" She yelled, a bit too loud for Aquamarine, who winced.

"Careful. I don't want my cousin to come knock down my door because he thought my roommate was killing me for never tasting pancakes," Aquamarine mumbled.

"Oops, sorry!" Electra scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, letting out a giggle. "But you're in luck! Pancakes are delicious! And my specialty! Let me just..." she pointed her finger at the stove-top, and a small electric current shot out of her index finger into the stove-top, and set it ablaze.

"Dang..." Aquamarine muttered, staring at the stove-top in amazement. "That's a really useful power to have, isn't it? Like if you were stranded on a deserted island..."

"Until you run out of energy, fall into a coma until you get more electricity, possibly getting mauled by a werewolf on a full moon," Electra shrugged, getting her pan out and ready.

Aquamarine let out a soft laugh. "Ah, I see... Wait," She eyed Electra's shoulders, which were completely exposed. "Y'know that's against the dress code... Right?"

Electra hummed, following Aquamarine's eyes. "Oh, my shoulders? I have permission, since I can't really control my powers, so any cloth on my shoulders and above gets electrocuted into ashes."

Aquamarine raised an eyebrow in curiosity, slowly nodding. "Oh... That's kind of cool, I suppose. At least you have an excuse to break the dress code."

Elctra nodded. "Yeppers, it's nice!" The two stood in silence for a few moments, Electra continuing on her pancakes, before smiling. "Alrighty, there they are! I just need to..." She grabbed two paper plates, put the pancakes on them, and practically drowned one plate in some brown, gooey substance that was unfamiliar to Aquamarine, but hesitated on the other. "Would you like some maple syrup?" She questioned.

Aquamarine stared at the substance, grimacing slightly. "Yeah... No thanks. I'll pass."

Electra shrugged. "Your loss!" She squirted some of the maple syrup into her mouth, and then closed it. She put the dry plate on the table facing Aquamarine, and then the drowned pancakes on the other side, as she took a seat. She gave Aquamarine a fork and knife, and a set for herself as well.

The two began eating, and it was completely silent, until Electra suddenly burst out, "done! I'm on my way to class. Since you didn't have any maple syrup, just put your plate on the counter when you're done."

Aquamarine nodded, poking around at the pancakes that stood on her plate, as she wasn't the biggest fan of them. "Alright, got it."

Electra bounced out of the door, humming a song to herself that Aquamarine assumed was by an artist that wasn't too popular in Sharkdom, as she didn't recognize the song one bit.

After a few minutes of Aquamarine trying to force some pancakes down her throat, she simply gave up. "I do not like these..."

She glanced at the door, making sure Electra was gone, before sighing. She stood up, the chair rubbing against the floor as she did so, and walked over to the trash can. Aquamarine stared at her plate for another brief second, before shrugging, and dumping the rest down the metallic trash can.

As soon as Aquamarine did so, she heard a fierce knock at her door, and recognized it as Atlantic. Atlantic did this a lot back at home, and he had a very distinct knock. One giant knock, two tiny knocks, and then another loud bang against the door. Aquamarine chuckled lightly to herself, as she quickly put her plate on the counter and walked over to the door.

Opening it, her suspicions were confirmed, as Atlantic stood there, with a giant smile on his face. "Hi, Aquamarine! Ready for school?"

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