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Mrs. Mlyn was busy calming down the tiny baby that was known as Atlantic, who was wrapped in a tiny seaweed cloth. The baby has bright blue eyes that shone when in the very little light that got through the water, and already has a head covered in soft, light blue fuzz.

"Oh, c'mon, Sweetie..."Mrs. Mlyn begged with a sigh. "It's alright, okay? Everything is going to be okay..."

Atlantic ignored his mother, insisting on his constant whines and cries, much more than Mrs. Mlyn expected when she found out she was pregnant. He obviously wanted something.

"Maybe he wants to be with his good ol' Papa?" Mr. Mlyn hummed, glancing up from his seafoam green colored newspaper.

Mrs. Mlyn let out a light chuckle. "I doubt that..." She continued rocking the sobbing baby in her arms, when the soft charm of the doorbell played throughout the apartment. "Oh? Dear, would you mind getting that?"

"Of course,"Mr. Mlyn nodded. He sat up from his shell recliner, walking over to the door made out of coral. He opened the door, and let out a gasp, catching the attention of his wife.

"Honey, what is it?" She asked cautiously. She stumbled up from her stool at the sandstone island, careful to keep Atlantic close in her grasp. She leisurely walked over to the door, and saw a sight that made her gasp, as well.

On their front porch was a tiny baby, who was wrapped in a turquoise seaweed cloth, crying softly. The baby had her eyes closed in a loud wail, and had fuzz plopped around her head, much like Atlantic.

"Well, who's this little child with the turquoise hair?" Mr. Mlyn said thoughtfully, gently picking up the small child.

"Don't you mean aquamarine?" Mrs. Mlyn questioned ,raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Of course not! It's turquoise!" Mr. Mlyn insisted. This was obviously just the two lovebirds joking around, as they did this often with any opportunity they got.

"Wait... A note's attached to her cloth...." Mrs. Mlyn carefully tore the note away, careful not to disturb the child who she had sympathy in her eyes for.

Dear Coralla, my dearest sister,

They showed no mercy. If you're seeing this letter, it means they were dumb enough to miss the dolphin carrying my baby girl away. Please, I beg of you, take care of her. Raise her as your own. Atlantic could be like her brother, I swear it'll work out. I know she may not be the same as all of you, but please. She has so much of her life ahead of her, unlike me, who has most likely met my end. Thank you for everything, and I love you.

From, your loving sister

Mrs. Mlyn looked at the note in astonishment. "My sister died... It's her child, Aquamarine. She wants us to take care of her."

Mr. Mlyn's eyes widened. "Oh, Honey, it'll be okay... You always said you wanted a girl, so now we can..." He embraced his wife in a warm embrace.

Mrs. Mlyn smiled. "I love you..."

Mr. Mlyn chuckled. "I love you too, my dear. And Atlantic," He added with a slightly cheerful tone, "and I'm sure I can find room in my heart from Aquamarine, as well."

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