Chapter 15

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"U-uhm..." Aquamarine stuttered out nervously. "What... Did I do something?"

Electra grumpily pointed towards the trash can, which had its lid off, and Aquamarine's eyes widened as the pancakes she'd thrown away were clearly visible on the top. "Wait, Electra-"

"Did you seriously throw away my food!? I was just spitting out my gum when I noticed this... I have you three pancakes, that's two and a half! If you didn't like the pancakes, you could've just told me... Am I that bad of a chef..?" Electra looked at the ground, tears electrocuting into her eyes.

"No, I swear, you're not a bad chef-!" Aquamarine said reassuringly, trying to deescalate the situation at hand.

"Then why did you throw away my food!?" Electra snapped back, electricity beginning to buzz in and out around her.

"I-i'm just a picky eater! I swear! You can go ask Atlantic, he'd know-" Aquamarine said defensively.

"Save it, I get it. Quit trying to spare my feelings." Electra got up, storming off into her room, slamming the door shut.

Aquamarine ran to the door. In a desperate attempt to fix things, she grabbed the doorknob, but was immediately met with an electric shock ringing through her. Aquamarine stepped back, a bit jittery. She went into her own room with a sigh.

As Aquamarine went into her room, she felt her good spirits flowing away at an incredibly fast pace. Blackout was overly suspicious and was practically proding every bit of her life, and now her roommate was furious at her. Sure, her and Atlantic had made up, but what if Blackout tells him something that made him mad at her all over again? Ever since she'd entered this dumb school, she'd had her life full of drama, anxiety, and anger – with schoolwork soon to come on top of that. She felt like her life was falling apart.

Time passed throughout the day, and Aquamarine sat quietly on her bed, thinking about everything that'd occurred. Suddenly there was a knock on the main door to the dorm, Atlantic's classic knock. Aquamarine lit up a bit, and opened her bedroom door. She saw Electra had also opened her bedroom door, but once Aquamarine was in her sight she quickly slammed the door shut.

Aquamarine mentally flinched, before walking to the door with a sigh. She opened it, to see an anxious Atlantic standing there. "Aquamarine!" He yelled, immediately hugging Aquamarine.

Aquamarine's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the sudden contact. "What's wrong, buddy..?" She asked hesitantly.

"Blackout told me of your argument... I thought you needed a hug," Atlantic said, pulling away.

"Er, well, thanks for that..." Aquamarine sighed. "I... I really needed that, honestly."

Atlantic smiled lightly. "Glad I could help! So, I'm going to assume that you hate Blackout even more now..?"

Aquamarine sighed. "I... I don't know..." she said in defeat. "I kind of snapped and told him never to look at me again..? I was just working up at the moment, he kept prodding... It made me nervous..."

Atlantic nodded nervously. "Y-yeah, I know what you mean... Do you want me to talk to him about it..?"

Aquamarine shrugged with a heave. "I don't know anymore... I also ruined things with my roommate, so I am not having it right now."

Atlantic hummed, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.. "How?"

Aquamarine hesitated, before revealing, "I... she cooked breakfast for us this morning. Something called pancakes. I tried to eat it, I promise I did, but... I couldn't eat anymore without gagging. So, I..." Aquamarine was embarrassed to reveal this big time. "I threw it away... she saw it in the garbage can when she was throwing something away, and now she's mad at me."

Atlantic thought for a moment. "Ah, I see... You are a picky eater..."

"Exactly!" Aquamarine yelled in agreement. "I told her that, but I guess she thought I was making fake excuses?"

"Maybe..." Atlantic mumbled, thinking for a moment. "Maybe you should try making her something? You know how to make those crab cakes, right?"

"I do..." Aquamarine thought to herself. "I could try doing that... I... I'll start making them right now, thanks for the idea, Atlantic."

Atlantic nodded. "Of course, sis! I'd do anything for you!"

Aquamarine smiled brightly. "I-i'd do anything for you, too, Atlantic..."

"And don't worry, I'll try to reason with Blackout. I'm sure he just got worked up, too, like


Aquamarine hummed, "okay, thanks. You're the best."

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