Chapter 4

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The two relatives entered the dormitory, to be met with a zombie greeting them at the door.

"Ah, welcome to Mystic High!" The zombie said with a warm smile. "I'm going to assume that you're freshmen? I see you're not going straight to your dorm."

Aquamarine glanced at Atlantic, who was staring at the zombie dumbfounded. Aquamarine cleared the throat, taking the lead. "Yes, we're freshmen... Aquamarine and Atlantic Mlyn."

The zombie typed some stuff on her laptop, before nodding. "Ah, yes! Welcome to Mystic High. Atlantic, you will be sharing the dorm with a guy that's volunteered to help out in the special needs dorms. Aquamarine will be right next to you, as well. Here are your dorm room numbers, and have a good day! I'm Ms. Xolo if you need anything."

"Thank you," Aquamarine nodded. She took the pieces of paper that Ms. Xolo was holding, and turned to Atlantic. "Alright, let's go!"

Atlantic smiled. "Yay! I wonder who my roommate's going to be?"

Aquamarine chirped up at Atlantic's positive spirit. "Yeah, hopefully someone nice."

"I bet you'll get someone nice, too!"

Aquamarine chuckled lightly, as the two headed off into the elevator. Once there, they pressed the third floor, and were off. They had luckily gotten in the elevator when it was empty, and were now chatting while the elevator went up.

"Are you ready for high school?" Aquamarine questioned, turning to Atlantic.

"Oh, yeah! I'm so excited! Are you ready?" Atlantic smiled cheerfully.

"Of course..!" Aquamarine said quietly. She wasn't sure if she was trying to convince Atlantic or herself more. She was about to say something, when the elevator door opened. She cleared her mind, and stepped out.

"So your room's 312, and mine's 311," Aquamarine mumbled to herself, glancing at the papers.

"Well, hmm..." Atlantic glanced around at the signs attached to the top of the walls. "Ooh, there! 310 through 320!" He pointed excitedly to the sign.

"Ah, right," Aquamarine nodded, looking up to where Atlantic was pointing.

The two rushed to their dorms – as fast as they could while dragging their heavy luggage behind them – and eventually reached their dorm rooms. They stopped in front, and Aquamarine glanced at Atlantic's luggage.

"Do you want me to help you pack?" Aquamarine offered curiously, raising an eyebrow.

Atlantic hummed, thinking for a second. "Yeah, you know how I like my stuff organized. The helper-outer dude probably won't know."

Aquamarine nodded, following Atlantic as he unlocked his door and walked in. Just like how all the dorms were set, there was a small kitchen area, with two bedrooms attached. One of the bedroom doors was closed, so Aquamarine assumed that Atlantic's roommate was there. "C'mon, let's go to the room on the left."

Atlantic followed Aquamarine, who was helping carry his luggage. As they opened the door, they were met with a big and blank room, much to their surprise. Mr. Mlyn had explained how when he went to college that his dorm was barely big enough for him and his roommate, so they had expected a cramped and crappy tiny apartment to live in. But instead, they were met with a clean and smooth off-white desk along with a fluffy off-white chair, and a bed in the corner with a white bedspread and blanket folded neatly on the bed. To the side there were two doors, one with a walk-in closet, the other with a bathroom, and the rest of the room was Atlantic's to decorate.

"Woah!" Atlantc said in awe, looking around the room. "I get to live here!? This is bigger than my room at home!"

"Dang, this place is big... Hopefully my dorm's like this, too," Aquamarine mumbled, surprised by the turn out. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad.

I'm so excited!" Atlantic cheered, opening his suitcase. "Sis, can you help me organize my clothes? You always do it so well!"

Aquamarine smiled, walking over to her cousin. "Of course. Do you want it color coordinated or weather?"

"I mean, most of my clothes that I packed are blue. So weather!" Atlantic said.

"Alright. May I ask why you brought so much blue? I mean, I like the different shades, but why so much blue?" Aquamarine raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

Atlantic shrugged. "I dunno. I like blue, it's the best color of them all! You wear a lot of blue, too, though."

Aquamarine thought for a moment back to her closet. "Touché. You have a good memory."

"Of course I do!" Atlantic said with a cheeky grin. "I have the best memory in the world!"

Aquamarine let out a small chuckle. "You sure do, buddy. Now c'mon. Let's organize your clothes!"


After some time, they finally finished. The two walked out, as Atlantic wanted to see Aquamarine's dorm, too, but they immediately stopped, as they saw who they assumed to be Atlantic's roommate exiting his bedroom at the same time.

"I- Uhm..." Aquamarine's mouth went dry, as there stood the same boy that had harshly scolded her when she slipped off of the portal.

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