Chapter 31

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Blackout was dumbfounded. He had no idea of what was going on. Atlantic had almost fallen, then yelped about some screaming in his head. Blackout knew about the voice, but the screaming worried him. Was he going insane with his worry of Aquamarine?

"A-atlantic?" Blackout stuttered out, a bit hesitant on what to do. "Are... are you okay?" "Oh my flippers..." Atlantic brought a shaky hand up to his mouth. "W-we need to go." "What? Go where?" Blackout asked, confused beyond belief.

"To the lake," Atlantic said, now determined, as he stood up and grabbed his shoes. "Why?" Blackout questioned once more. Atlantic ignored him, storming out of the dorm.

Blackout followed, making sure to lock the door as he went. "Atlantic, why are we going to the

lake? Is it the one that Aquamarine was-" Blackout stopped midstep. "... you're not being drawn to it too, are you?"

Atlantic let out a yell. He turned around to Blackout, tears in his eyes. "It's not that! I think Aquamarine killed her!"

Blackout flinched at the sentence, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. "What!? Killed who!? Why!?"

"I don't know! The voice that I'm pretty sure was the siren that Aquamarine was hearing... she was screaming in my ear..." Atlantic shivered. "Right before the scream, she said Aquaarine's name... then screaming for who knows how long... then dead silence. Aquamarine must've killed her!"

"Woah, hold on a second," Blackout grabbed ahold of Atlantic's wrist. Atlantic didn't pull away, but marched on. "Let's think about this-"

"No!" Atlantic snapped back. "Who knows what my sister's going through, and I can't even figure out where she is! Blackout, this might be my chance to find her..."

"But we don't have the antidote yet," Blackout murmured.

"Do I look like I care?" Atlantic let out a tiny hysterical laugh. "I just want to know she's still living and breathing.

Blackout finally gave in, saying, "fine. But if we do find her, she's not going to be her normal self..."

"I still don't care," Atlantic mumbled desperately. The two made their way to the lake, and Blackout caught his breath. Trailing out of the pink water was the familiar color of crimson. Crimson blood. Atlantic almost threw up.

"Oh my gosh..." Blackout gasped silently, taking his shoes off and slowly stepping into the pool.

Atlantic was on the verge of tears. "No... this isn't Aquamarine... she didn't cause this. It's not her blood. It can't be... right!? Please tell me she's perfectly fine!" Atlantic turned to Blackout, tears streaming down his face as he cried out.

Blackout looked at Atlantic with pity in his eyes, but he sighed. He could lie to his boyfriend. He just couldn't. "I... I don't know. This could easily just be a coincidence, but... there's too much evidence pointing towards it..."

Atlantic choked back a sob. "I'm going in."

"What?" Blackout turned to Atlantic, who was still standing just ahead of the shore so he wouldn't turn.

"I can breathe underwater in my true form..." Atlantic said. "You stay here... in case there's something down there that I shouldn't get involved with..."

"But Atlantic-"

"Blackout," Atlantic looked at Blackout with a cold glare, making Blackout immediately shut his mouth. "My cousin could be suffering down there. I'm going. There's no choice."

Atlantic stepped into the lake, and he turned into his true form almost immediately once the water touched his feet.

He was about to go deep into the center, when Blackout grabbed his hand. "Wait."

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