Chapter 49

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Everybody had finished eating and such, and were now parting ways so they could go to their desired location needed for Fall Break. Now, it was only Atlantic, Aquamarine, Blackout, and Drake that were left. Aquamarine was glancing at her phone. "Atlantic, Auntie said that she's on her way to pick us up..."

Atlantic hesitated. "Er... are you going to be fine there, by yourself..? Mom'll probably get mad and take it out on you once she realizes that I'm not coming with her..."

Aquamarine sighed, smoothing her hair back. "I... I don't know. Can you at least confront her..? It might soften the blow for what'll happen to me..."

Atlantic glanced at Blackout. "Would that be okay?"

Blackout shrugged. " I don't see why not. My dad's only going to get nervous if we don't show up by the end of the weekend. He trusts Drake to get us home, since he's the oldest..." his voice trailed off, thinking back to the actual oldest sibling in his family with a frown.

Atlantic seemed to notice this, and looked at Blackout pitifully. "Yeah... okay..." he turned back to Aquamarine. "Lead the way, sis."

The quartet walked up to the Portal Rooms, the sea creatures the most nervous of them all. There was no telling how their mom would act in a situation such as this. The only way to know was to tell her and see what'd happen. The two walked into the Portal Room that led to the aquatic Portal Rooms, and they saw Mrs. Mlyn standing there, looking a bit impatient. After seeing that Drake and Blackout were there, she quickly changed to a strained smile. "Oh, hello, kids! Are you ready to leave?"

"Well, about that..." Atlantic's hand subconsciously made its way to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously. "I'm... kind of... not going with you..?"

Mrs. Mlyn's smile faded. "... excuse me?" she muttered. "What... what do you mean, you're not coming with me?"

"I mean I'm not going with you... I'm going with Blackout and his brother," Atlantic stood firmly, not wanting to be forced into something he didn't want. He'd realized what that'd done to Aquamarine, and he didn't want that to happen to him as well.

Mrs. Mlyn sighed. "Atlantic, I know you're trying to be more social... but don't you think this is too much? You already have a sleepover with him every day of the school year... What more time do you need?"

"Mom, I'm not coming home with you... please understand..." Atlantic pleaded.

"And I'll be there, so you won't be completely lonely!" Aquamarine added, hoping to soften the blow.

Mrs. Mlyn let out a heave, seeming upset at this turn of events. "So... you lied to me, Atlantic, did you?"

Atlantic's mouth went dry, and he choked out a meek, "... yes."

Mrs. Mlyn nodded. "I see. I don't tolerate lying in my house, Atlantic. You know this .But since it seems you won't be in my house ever again, I guess it doesn't matter what rules I have in my house!"

"Mom, I'll still come over for Winter Break and such-" Atlantic clarified.

"But how can I trust that?" Mrs. Mlyn cut in. "I can't trust anything you say, now... now that I know my baby has the audacity to lie to my face."

"Technically it wasn't to your face, unless you were doing a facetime..." Blackout mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Mlyn stared at Blackout for a moment. He froze, not daring to utter a word, and Mrs. Mlyn scowled. "I don't like this new friend of yours, Atlantic. Especially because he's from the Dragon Village..."

"... what?" Drake raised an eyebrow. "Did you-"

"Mom!" Atlantic quickly interrupted, before Drake went off at her. "Don't say stuff like that!"

"Well, it's true," Mrs. Mlyn responded sharply. "You never lied to me before you met him, and those from the Dragon Village have an oh, so short temper..."

Atlantic sighed, rubbing his temples in annoyance. "Mom... just... I'm going with them, and you can't change my mind. Okay?"

Mrs. Mlyn snarled. "Fine. I see how it is." she turned around briefly, glaring at Aquamarine. "Aquamarine, come with me."

Aquamarine looked back at Atlantic reluctantly. "I... okay..." she stepped onto the portal next to the one Mrs. Mlyn was occupying, before the two zapped off.

Atlantic frowned. "I feel bad for her..."

"I feel bad for both of you," Drake muttered. "No offense, but your mom's a huge jerk." "Yeah... I know..." Atlantic sighed. "She's... nice when she wants to be."

"I can tell..." Blackout nodded his head hesitantly. "So, uhm... are you ready to go now?" Atlantic nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I guess... I hope Aquamarine's going to be okay..." "She's a strong girl," Drake reassured, placing a hand on the shark's shoulder. "She did

all that while under the influence of the Corrupt Potion... I'm sure a little yelling or so won't do much to her."

"True..." Atlantic mumbled to himself. "Alright, let's go."

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