Chapter 24

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Aquamarine entered the class with Atlatnic shortly behind her, and the whole class turned to her. Most of them grimaced or quickly looked somewhere else, as the rumors had

spread like a wildfire. Aquamarine started nervously fidgeting with the beads on her bracelet. Mr. Acheron quickly noticed, and looked up at her and her cousins. "Do you two have a pass?"

Atlatnic walked up to Mr. Lost, Aquamarine hesitantly walking behind him. He gave Mr. Lost his pass, and Aquamarine anxiously did the same. Mr. Lost mumbled a barely audible, "stupid teens with stupid mental problems," as he threw the passes in a folder, before turning to the two cousins. "The assignment's online. You just read a paragraph or two then answer some questions."

Atlantic nodded and turned away to his seat. Aquamarine mumbled out a quick, "thank you..." before heading back to her own seat. Everyone stared at her as she walked, making her incredibly uncomfortable. She did her best to ignore the eyes, as she sat down in her seat and got out her materials necessary to do the assignment.

Aquamarine glanced at the clock, and saw that it was a minute or two from the bell ringing and school to be over. She couldn't wait to finally be at her dorm and buried deep in her bed, away from the world. Quickly, Aquamarine shut her laptop down and collected all of her supplies. She watched the second hand of the clock, mumbling under her breath the seconds left as they zoomed past. Eventually the bell rang, and almost immediately Aquamarine sprinted up from her seat and dashed out of the class. All hour long students were staring, whispering, or teasing her. On her way there, she quickly got stopped from a hand grabbing her forearm. She was surprised to see Blackout holding onto her, and especially that he wasn't burning her – and even looked slightly worried.

"Are you okay?" Blackout asked, looking at her with the slightest hint of concern. "Atlantic told me he'd tell me once you woke up. Do you know where he is?"

"He's..." Aquamarine saw Atlantic exiting Mr. Lost's class, and pointed over at her cousin. "... Over there."

Blackout glanced behind him, as Atlantic saw the two and ran up to them with a cheerful grin. "Hey, guys! What're we talking about?"

"I was just checking up on her. When'd she wake up?" Blackout inquired, seeming a bit more happy than before Atlatic had come.

"Uhm..." Atlantic looked up ahead of him, squinting his eyes in the slightest. "Around first period?"

"What? Why didn't you tell me?" Blackout asked, his eyebrows shooting up in shock. "We have third and sixth period together..."

Atlantic shrugged. "Aquamarine needed to take a while to calm down after the nightmare that was kind of forced upon her, and she wanted me to stay there with her."

"Oh, I see..." Blackout nodded slowly, but grew puzzled as Atlantic let out a little snicker.. "... what's so funny about Aquamarine almost going insane?"

"Huh-!?" Atlantic gasped at what Blackout said. "I wasn't laughing at that! I'm not that cruel! I just thought that 'upon' was a funny word."

Blackout stared at him with high confusion, but Aquamarine couldn't help but let out a little chuckle of her own. "It is kind of a funny word... Upon," she said in an overly fancy voice.

Atlantic cracked up at that. "You're so good with voices, sis! You should be a voice actor someday!"

"Nah," Aquamarine shook her head. "That'd get annoying real easily. Plus, what if I end up voicing one of those cheesy cartoons?"

"Yeah, I'd hate you if whenever I heard your voice I got reminded of some fat yellow bird puppet thing," Blackout shivered in disgust at the thought.

Aquamarine snickered. She quickly got shoved, as someone whispered something to their friend and glanced at Aquamarine coldly. Aquamarine immediately remembered they were still in an open hallway. "... can we please go back to the dorms?"

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