Chapter 26

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Aquamarine's day had gone smoothly. The rumors about her being a mermaid had spread just as fast as the ones about her being a siren, and she was quickly accepted by everyone once again – more so than before, if she were honest.

Once class had ended, Aquamarine dashed to her dorm, leaving Atlantic in confusion. Aquamarine had been practically interviewed in every class with how many students wanted to know her story, and she was exhausted. She didn't know how Atlantic could talk to people all day and be completely fine at the end of the day. Aquamarine would be dead after one hour of constant talking.

Aquamarine got on her bed, snuggling into the pillows when suddenly her door had been knocked at. It wasn't Atlantic's normal knock. Either he had decided to mix it up, or it was somebody else. Aquamarine sighed sluggishly, making her way to her door and opening it. She was relieved it was Electra. At least somebody she knew rather than a stranger that had somehow gotten her dorm number. "Oh, hey, Electra. Do you need something?"

Electra took a deep breath. "I... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for overreacting when I heard you were a siren. I shouldn't have assumed, and I want to move dorms back, but apparently you can only change dorms once per quarter."

"So..." Aquamarine mumbled. "You can't move back until after Fall Break?"

Electra nodded. "Correct. But when Fall Break is over, could... could I come back? I'd understand if not due to how I overreacted and all..."

Aquamarine smiled lightly. "Of course you can, Electra. I'd love to have you as my roommate again! It's okay, I've overreacted to stuff myself one too many times..."

Electra's eyes lit up, and she embraced Aquamarine in a hug. "Oh, thank you, Aquamarine! You're my bestest friend. Y'know that, right? Well, after Stella, of course. But my bestest non-relative friend!"

Aquamarine's hair shot up when Electra hugged her, but she didn't mind. She was getting to the point where she barely felt the electricity anymore, and she was happy that everything seemed to be resolving once more. Electra let go, and said, "well... I guess I better go off now. Maddie's my roommate right now, and she wanted to show me a song on some instrument. A French Horn, I think she called it? It sounds weird and looks weird, I don't know. Sorry for just popping by..."

Aquamarine let out a tiny laugh. "Don't worry... it's perfectly alright. Well, enjoy your song, I guess."

"You too! Or- well- enjoy whatever you're doing," Electra said. "Relaxing," Aquamarine responded simply.

"Right," Electra nodded, "well, enjoy your relaxing! I'll be off now."

It was nighttime, and Aquamarine had still been clouded by those horrid nightmares. She might've been in the clear now with her friends, but the curse Wanda had cast on ehr seemed to have left a permanent mark on her soul. Aquamarine had just shot up from the nightmare that involved the beloved mirror, and she took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. She suddenly heard a noise, making her freeze in her bed. Her body tensed up, as she caught her breath sharply.

The sound of her door could be heard. It sounded like someone was unlocking it. Was it Electra? But why would she be coming here at... Aquamarine glanced at the clock. At two fifty-four in the morning? She listened in terror as the door swung open with a loud bang as it hit against the wall. Footsteps could be heard. The door to what Aquamarine assumed was Eletra's room had opened, and someone grumbled something angrily under their breath. The voice was too soft for her to make anything out or recognize it.

The footsteps grew louder once more, and her door handle jiggled open. Aquamarine quickly flopped onto her side, closing her eyes shut and acting like she had been asleep the whole time. She heard the door open slowly, much unlike the main door. Aquamarine gripped her covers under her blanket, as she could hear the mysterious figure's breath. Something crashed against the floor, like the sound of a glass bottle being smashed against the floor.filled her ears, before the footsteps walked off and the doors were slammed shut on the way, before the main door was heard being locked back up.

Almost immediately, Aquamarine sprung up in her bed, her anxiety at its brim. She realized that what had been smashed was a glass container of sorts, and dark red fog was seeping out of it, filling Aquamarine's bedroom. She put her blanket over her mouth, trying to block the mist as it rose higher and higher. It crawled onto her bed, before reaching her nose. Aquamarine held her nose for the longest she could, before having to take a giant breath of the

strange fog. It entered her system, and immediately she felt something weird happen with her brain. She fell against her bed, her mind in a haze as she fell asleep.

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