Chapter 30

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She watched the moon rise over the water, the blue liquid turning lilac into a cherry-blossom pink, something that happened whenever there was no sun reflecting off of the water. She smiled cruelly. "It's time."

Talon waved goodbye after about an hour or so, saying goodbye. Atantic was still confused, but much less than before. "I'll see you in math tomorrow, Atlantic. Bye!"

"Bye!" Atlantic said with a smile. The two departed, and Atlantic shut the door.Almost immediately, Blackout opened his door.

"Atlantic." He had a furious gleam in his eyes. "We need to talk."

Atlantic blinked in confusion, but couldn't say no to Blackout's expression. "O-okay..? Is something wrong..?"

Blackout stayed silent, gesturing for Atlantic to enter his room. Atlantic gulped in nervousness, but obeyed and headed into his room. Once there, Atlantic sat on the desk chair, while Blackout sat on the edge of his bed. "So..." Atlantic mumbled.

"Do you like him?" Blackout spat out bitterly.

"Who?" Atlantic cocked his head to the side, confused beyond belief.

"That guy that was over," Blackout specified.


"Yes, him."

'What about him?"

"I just-!" Blackout grumbled in annoyance. "I just said. Do you like Talon?"

"I mean, he seems nice-" Atlantic began.

"That's not what I mean," Blackout snapped back, and Atlantic flinched slightly. "Like you like me." Atlantic nodded slowly, understanding now. "Oh... I don't like him like that. You're always

going to be more special than him." "I don't believe that."


"I don't believe that. Not for one second."

"Don't believe what?"

"That you're not going to abandon me!" Blackout shouted.

Atlantic's eyes widened. "Why would I-!?"

"You're going to replace me!" Blackout snapped before Atlantic could get a word in

edgewise. "I've heard about him... the guy all the girls have a crush on. The boy that's a football superstar and will probably end up going pro. He's cool and popular, and then here you are with me, a useless lump in the mud, just a boring blob of dirt."

"Blackout..." Atlantic breathed, his eyes wide at Blackout's little rant. He saw that Blackout had angry tears in his eyes, boiling. Literally, as they were made out of lava. "I-I... I'm not going to abandon you, Blackout, I promise..."

Blackout looked at Atlantic with a smidgen of hope, but that was quickly replaced with anger. "I know that's not true..."

"Blackout! You're the specialist person in my life that I'm not related to... Blackout, I would never replace you..." Atlantic said. "And Blackout... he's aroace. I don't think we'll get together any time soon."

Blackout's eyes widened, and he looked away, obviously embarrassed. "Of course..." he ran his hand through his hair, sighing. 'Just... I'll try to trust him... and you, for that matter..."

Atlantic smiled warmly. "That'd be great."

Blackout looked around his room, looking for something to change the subject. His eyes landed on his laptop, and he pulled it out. "Oh, by the way, I found the cure to the Corrupt Potion."

Atlantic's eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about that. He immediately felt his heart speed up. "Y-yeah?"

Blackout typed his password out on his laptop, before going to his bookmarks and pulling up a tab from the Official Science Lab of Cigam. It showed lots of stuff about the Corrupt

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