Chapter 48

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Atlantic fidgeted with his phone, popping it in and out of his case over and over until finally the curtain opened. He perked his head up to see Ms. Fairyland there. "Good morning, Atlantic! How are you?"

"Good," Atlantic muttered. "Can... am I finally going to be released?"

Ms. Fairyland nodded, and Atlantic started to bounce. "That is correct! I just need to check some stuff real quick before I release you..."

Atlantic slowly deflated, but sighed. "Fine..."

After Ms. Fairyland had finished her procedures, she smiled. "Alright! You're ready to go. I hope to see you all healthy – if I ever do see you again!"

Atlantic was grinning like a madman, and quickly jumped up from his bed. 'Thank you!" he said, before grabbing his stuff and heading for his dorm. On the way there, of course, he'd stop in front of Aquamarine's dorm first. Atlantic rushed his way down out of the nurse's wing, and Ms. Fairyland sighed in disappointment with a light chuckle. This happened whenever anyone was no longer bedridden. As much as she hated it, she knew that it'd be too difficult if she stopped everyone every time they did it. She simply watched Atlantic scurry off.

Atlantic reached the dorms, and came to a sudden halt in front of dorm 311. He took a deep breath, shaking his head to look hopefully somewhat presentable, even though Aquamarine would just be glad to see him up and walking again. He knocked on the door. After about forty five seconds, the door opened, and Aquamarine opened the door with a gasp. She immediately tackled Atlantic into a hug, shouting, "you're finally out!"

"Of course I am!" Atlantic put a fist to his chest with an overconfident grin. "I'm just that hard to get rid of!"

Aquamarine let out a laugh, pulling away from Atlantic. "I guess that's a good thing..." she shrugged, looking to the side with a playful pout.

"Oi!" Atlantic gasped in fake offense. "How dare you! I thought I meant something to you!"

"Eh..." Aquamarine held her hand up, wavering it from side to side. "I guess you could say that."

Atlantic let out a cheeky chuckle. "Well, I'm going to go back to my dorm."

"Are you ready for Blackout to be even more excited than I was and probably be more protective of you in general from now on?' Aquamarine inquired with a small smile.

"I'm prepared for anything and everything!" Atlantic promised. Aquamarine shook her head with a smile.

"Alright. See you around, Atlantic," Aquamarine said to Atlantic. He waved, and Aquamarine closed her door.

Atlantic grabbed his key to his dorm, and swung the door open with a loud bang. "I'm home!"

Blackout almost immediately swung his bedroom door open, as all he had heard was the thud of the door ricocheting off of the wall. "Holy-!? What was that-!?" he saw Atlantic standing there energetically, and he rubbed the bridge of hsi noise with a strained smile. "You're going to be the death of me someday..."

"Okay, Dad," Atlantic said back, pulling at the skin under his right eye and sticking out his tongue friskily.

"I am not your dad!" Blackout shouted back with slightly overexaggerated fake anger. "If you must know, I am your sixth cousin ten times removed."

"How would that work out?' Atlantic questioned, dropping the act as he was very curious at this new thought.

Blackout thought for a second. "Well, the answer is quite simple." he put his hands together, and looked Atlantic dead in the eyes. With a straight face, he said, "I have no clue."

Atlantic cracked a smile. "Of course you do."

Blackout then got out his phone and said, "I'm planning on having us and everyone else that helped to save Aquamarine meet up at the café outside of the campus. Now that you're no longer bedridden, what do you think?"

Atlantic thought for a second. "I think that'd be nice! Although I'd have to look at their menu... you can find it online, right?"

"Probably," Blackout shrugged. "It's called Bigfoot Bites."

Atlantic typed the name of the café into his phone, and took a quick look over the menu. "Yeah, I'll be fine there."

Blackout nodded. "Alright. Bigfoot Bites it is, then. I'll tell everybody tomorrow. Are you going to be there tomorrow at school?"

Atlantic shrugged. "I mean... she never said I had to skip school? But beyond that, I have no clue."

"Well, I'd say if you're feeling well, why not go?" Blackout said, offering his own opinion.

"Yeah, I think I'll just go ahead and go... assuming I won't be feeling bad tomorrow or throughout the day."

It was now the weekend before Fall Break. Before everybody was going to get picked up by their parents and other family members, they had all agreed to meet up at Bigfoot Bites to celebrate their victory in getting Aquamarine back to her normal self. They were all currently swarming into the café, talking to each other and such.

"Guys!" Alastair said, looking in no general direction. "I'm so excited! Maddie's parents are letting her come with me for Fall Break so we can get used to being magical partners!"

"I'm doing the same with Blackout!" Atlantic said back with a cheeky grin. "The only thing is, I don't have any permission or anything of the sort from my mom!"

"You don't?" Aspen questioned. "I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Oh, c'mon!" Atlantic scoffed. "My parents are those that are really overprotective of me for no reason."

"I'll let you know, I'd rather have my parents be overprotective than for what I have right now," Aquamarine shrugged her shoulders. 'You should consider yourself lucky!"

"Wait, what are your parents like?" Talon asked.

"Dead!" Stella yelled out.

"Dude, what the heck?" Atlantic hissed sharply. "That's not something that you just yell


"Oh, my bad," Talon mumbled. "Sorry..."

"It's fine," Aquamarine shrugged. "I'm kind of over it by now?"

"And the fact that your mom is, uhm..." Drake struggled to find the right words to say to

kindly finish the thought.

"A siren that's been lying to me my whole life? Yeah... that, too," Aquamarine said for

him, seeing that he really didn't want to say it.

"Yeah, that..." Drake nodded hesitantly.

"Guys," Blackout called out, gaining everybody's attention. "Our table's ready." "Our table of..." Aethra glanced at all the heads, counting them under her breath.


"Congrats, you know how to count," Blackout grumbled with an eyeroll, before gesturing

everybody over. "C'mon. We've got to go before they decide to take our table apart again." Everybody flocked to the table, and headed towards the table, everyone having a

friendly banter over where they'd sit.

A girl came up to them, with a name tag that had 'Nerissa' written in black marker, and said, "Hello! I'll be your waiter today... what would you like?"

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