Chapter 42

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Atlantic struggled to break free from the stranger's grip, but eventually pried their hands away from his eyes. He whirled around, to see Aquamarine there, her eyes filled with an evil gleam in them.

Atlantic went to gasp, but quickly covered his mouth as he was reminded that he was in the lake now. He then felt a sudden warmness surrounding his body, and he looked to see a light yellow glow fuzzing around him. Slowly, he was lifted up from the lake. Eventually he was broken free from the water and he took a big gasp of air.

Atlantic looked towards the rock, to see Alastair was holding his wand out, with Maddie shortly behind him with a cheeky grin. Alastair's wand had the same yellow glow that was around his body.

"Hey, buddy!" Alastair waved with his free hand. "Couldn't have you drown down there!" Atlantic smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Alastair... but be careful, it was-"

Suddenly Stella let out a gasp. "Is that Aquamarine-!?"

Atlantic's eyes widened. Before he could turn around, Aquamarine grabbed his head and

he immediately froze. His vision was immediately tinted red, and he started to breathe heavily. He didn't know what was going on, but frustrating and threatening thoughts and voices were swarming his head.

"Is she-!?" Maddie gasped.

"She's trying to corrupt him!" Wanda yelled.

"But that's only if they've been under the potion's influence for two weeks!"

"Who knows how long it's been going on before we were involved!?"

"We have to stop her!" Blackout shouted, and he seemed to be suddenly anxious about

what was going on.

"Aquamarine..." Anchor breathed. He sighed, before stepping up to the edge of the rock

so Aquamarine could hear him the best she could without Anchor needing to get into the water. "... when I gave you the Corrupt Potion, I didn't mean for you to go and corrupt others!" Anchor yelped. He quickly realized what he had just admitted to, and gasped as he clamped his hands over his mouth.

Atlantic's eyes widened, and that seemed to do it for him. The voices that were bouncing off the walls of his skull finally entered his brain, and he looked at Anchor with pure fury. Aquamarine pulled away from Atlantic with a snicker of nothing but full chaos. Atlantic broke free from Alastair's magical hold on him, and he dropped back on the edge of the rock, struggling to keep in control.

Blackout's eyes widened in horror, and he quickly ran up to Atlantic, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Atlantic... calm down, please... don't give into it..." he had lava tears piercing at the corners of his eyes once more. "I can't lose you, too..."

Atlantic was breathing shakily, and his eyes were flashing in between his sweetly average teal to his red. He was obviously trying to fight it, although he seemed to be losing more and more control by the second. "H-he..." Atlantic stuttered out, "he did this to her... it's his fault..."

Blackout grimaced. Atlantic seemed to be slowly giving in, and it was making him worried. "Hey, Atlantic, listen to me... you're right. Anchor did it, but please... two wrongs don't make a right..."

"I..." Atlantic looked at the ground, before he seemed to stop shaking. He looked back up at lLackout, and his eyes were the full, deep red that Blackout dreaded. His eyes widened, as Atlantic whispered, "I have to make sure he knows to never mess with her again..." he seemed absolutely furious, his eyes wide in frustration. A lock that seemed to be made out of water suddenly formed around Atlantic, and was magically unlocked. Blackout gasped softly as Aquamarine sprayed some water onto Atlantic, and he transformed into his true form.

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