Chapter 46

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"... what..?" Atlantic muttered, his eyes wide. Blackout and Aquamarine had just explained to him what they had learned after he had been knocked out. "I... I might be part triton..?"

"It's highly unlikely," Aquamarine clarified. "But... it is a... possibility?"

"And... my mom made us all believe she was a shark? She lied to us!? She lied to Dad!? She lied to us for our whole lives-!" Atlantic seemed to be panicking about the situation.

"Hey, calm down," Blackout said in an attempt to calm him down, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll get this all sorted out. Alright?"

Atlantic nodded lightly, still in a slight state of shock about this new information. "I... I'm just mad... she lied to us our whole lives... why would she do that..?"

"Yeah, I don't know..." Aquamarine sighed heavily. "I'm still upset, too..."

"Well, your emotions are understandable..." Atlantic shrugged. "You did just learn that you kind of became a killer without knowing... how're you taking that, anyway..?"

"I mean..." It was now Aquamarine's turn to shrug. "I guess... I'm relieved that my mom didn't die from a bomb... but it's kind of like... would you rather have your mother die in an explosion or be murdered? I don't know, I'm trying not to think much into it..."

"Yeah, understandable," Atlanti agreed. "I'm surprised you're not freaking out over the fact that you hurt me. I remember you were sobbing when you accidentally knocked into me and I ended up scraping my knee."

"Hey-!" Aquamarine's shoulders hiked up in embarrassment. "You know I usually cry when you cry... but you-"

"I usually cry when you cry," Atlantic finished. "Yeah, yeah, I know... but at least I only shed a few tears. You'll have a full on meltdown if I so much as frown."

Blackout scoffed with a laugh, looking at Aquamarine with a playfully evil gleam in his eyes. "I know girls are emotional, but you're on a whole other level..."

Aquamarine grumbled under her breath, looking away sheepishly. "Shut up. Nobody asked you."

"I did!" Atlantic piped up, wanting to be part of humiliating his cousin. He turned to Blackout, and did a half curtsy with his sheets – as that was all he could manage while still in the bed. "Thank you, my good sir."

Blackout smiled with an eye roll, before turning back to the situation at hand. "How long did Ms. Fairyland say you had to be in here?"

Atlantic thought for a moment, thinking back to the exchange he and Ms. Fairyland had not too long after he'd woken up. "I think she said... Five days? It depends on whenever she's one hundred percent sure that I no longer have a concussion. How'd I even get one, anyway?"

"Ms. Fairyland said she thought it happened whenever I transferred the curse to you," Aquamarine explained.

"... that's not how concussions form," Blackout muttered.

"Wait..." Atlantic seemed deep in thought for a second. "I think I know... Blackout, remember when I first found Aquamarine and the lake? And she attacked me?"

"Yeah," Blackout nodded in agreement, and Aquamarine frowned at that. "What about it?"

"Well, when she attacked me, she kind of rammed me into the edge of the lake multiple times," Atlantic explained.

"... there were walls in there?" Blackout blinked in confusion, as he did not know this. "Yeah, I know..." Atlantic let out a weak chuckle.

"I'm pretty sure it was like a secret lair for, uhm... my mom," Aquamarine added. "And then I guess I, uhm... took it..."

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