Chapter 52

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Atlantic made his way over to the tomb, and awkwardly sat down criss-cross in front of it. He read the tomb carefully.

Firnen Belindo Griffin

Cause of death: Undetermined

Lifespan: March 4th, 167 - December 12th, 187

Son, brother, and friend to many

"We love you, Firnen. Don't ever forget it. You were our son and brother. We love you, and we'll never forget you." ~The griffin Family

Atlantic looked at the grave, his expression filled with pity. "You guys really loved him, didn't you..?"

"Not loved," Blackout said, his eyes a bit shiny due to the lava tears forming in them. "Love him. We still do, and always will."

"He was the best thing in our lives..." Drake added. "Even If he's not with us, we'll never forget all the time we spent together."

Atlantic could feel himself getting choked up as well at the touching words that spewed out of the two brother's mouths. "Aww... I'm sure he loves you two, as well. You're great brothers!"

A soft wind blew over them. Atlantic didn't think much of it, but the two Griffins perked their heads up, looking at each other with wide eyes. "What was that-?" Drake asked in concern.

"There's never a cold wind in the Dragon Village... it's either like smoke or humid. That felt like something that'd be at Mystic High-?"

"Wait, that's not normal here?' Atlantic's eyes widened in confusion. He was not expecting that.

"No," Drake said, standing up and looking around, preparing for the worst. The other two stood up as well. Blackout mystified, Atlantic not wanting to be left out as the only one still crouched down.

"I don't understand... "Blackout muttered.

Suddenly a cool breeze washed over their feet. Drake and Blackout shivered. They weren't used to the cold, especially not here. But Atlantic found it feeling nice on his ankles. He looked down, and was met with confusion. "Wait, is that fog?"

"Fog-?" Blackout's expression went even more shocked at the turn of events, feeling a bit nervous at everything that seemed to be happening at the moment. "This isn't normal... what's going on?"

"I don't know..." Drake shook his head multiple times at a slow pace. He saw the fog rising higher and higher. "Wait... we're at a cemetery... cold fog when there isn't..." his eyes widened in fear as he realized what was going on. "We have to get out of here! Now!"

"What!?" Atlantic called out. 'What do you mean!?"

"Just get out! Quick, before we're trapped!" Drake hollered. "It's the ghost trap! They're trying to trap us-!"

Blackout tried to move his feet, but found that they seemed to be frozen in place – almost paralyzed – in the fog. He pulled harder and harder, but found it useless. "I can't move my feet!"

"Me neither!" Atlantic was starting to grow anxious, and he was pulling on his feet so hard that he ended up falling over with a gasp and disappearing into the fog with a loud 'puff'.

"Atlantic-!" Drake gasped. He realized that Atlantic was a lost cause at this point, and turned to Blackout. "Blackout, you can't fall over. This is paralyzing fog. Atlantic's probably completely trapped at this point... we have to hold out as long as we can."

"Kind of hard when the fog's rising by the second!" Blackout snapped back sharply .He was right. The fog was rising at an incredible pace, and it was up to his waist by that point. Drake's eyes were wide in worry. With a shuddering breath, he closed his eyes as the fog enclosed him.

Drake eventually found himself surrounded by a chilly air. He opened his eyes, and the atmosphere was filled with a cloudy aura, grey and bland. Drake looked around. He could move freely now, but he knew it was no point in trying. He was trapped in his own subconscious now, and he had no idea if he'd ever even return back to reality. He saw a figure being formed, the clouds sticking together like magnets had been put into them, guiding the fluffy clouds into each other.

Drake squinted his eyes, trying to figure out what was forming, and preparing himself for the worst, most heartbreaking sight. It seemed he was right, as the clouds formed into a person, the colors slowly fading in. But he wasn't prepared for who he'd see. He felt a lump forming in his throat, as he stared at the figure with wide eyes.

"... Mom..?"

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