Author's Note

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Hello! [QuiznakingCat201] here, your hopefully new favorite author! Some quick things to get to know me better, as I assume knowing someone is half the battle when it comes to writing and actually liking their material. If you like me, you're more likely to like my book! I'll try to keep it short and sweet, though. I have one brother (who was my inspiration for Atlantic), and one cat who is practically the living definition of Aquamarine while being affected by pixie dust. I love writing (obviously), and I love music! I'm a band kid at heart, my main instrument is the French horn with the addition of a trumpet and mellophone (so far).

Enough about me... well, in the personal life sense. Time for my relation to the story! I'll be honest, I came up with these characters and Aquamarine hiding herself in the 5th grade, during the COVID-19 years. I tried putting it into action multiple times, but found all attempts useless until in 8th grade when my librarian sent me an email with an idea: NaNoWriMo. I'd heard of it before. But 50,000 words in a month? Are you kidding me! No way! I decided to finally try it. I tortured myself and made my word count goal 65,000 words.

After a month of blood, sweat, tears, and staying up every night to strain at least three thousand words out, I finally reached it. I wasn't anywhere close to finishing my story, though. After about six days of writing, finally on December 6th, I did it. That's the day I'm writing the Author's Note!

Now, onto my many thanks. I thank you readers, first of all, for taking the time to read my story. Especially the Author's Note, as I always skip it when I read a book (unless I'm rereading it). Then, my librarian, for giving me strong encouragement throughout the whole entire challenge of NaNoWriMo, and for even telling me about it and giving a strong sense of joy for

her students to sign up for it! Then to [friend], my number one editor (who didn't get any payments, how selfish of me!).

While writing, I went through many discoveries. Not about myself, but also about myself. I thought I couldn't do it , I thought I'd maybe write ten thousand words at most and that'd be it. But no. I was able to write over sixty five thousand words in the month, and then some! My advice to other young authors like me is to don't underestimate yourself. Even if you think you can't do it, at least try! You never know what you might discover...

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