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It's been a week since Kiana has been hospitalized and she just woke up from a coma. The police are already here waiting to take a statement from her.

I haven't seen her as yet. In fact I haven't left my hospital room since I gave birth yesterday. I'm glad Kiana is awake but I'm really worried about her. Dario isn't tell me anything much and has made it very clear that I won't be leaving the room anytime soon—not that I can move yet anyway. My body still feels sore and rightfully so considering I just pushed a baby out less than twenty four hours ago.

Something serious is happening around here though. I can tell by the way Dario is constantly on his phone and refuses to leave my side. When he does leave, it's for a few moments and has Luca taking his place at those intervals.  In addition, I overheard him talking to Marcellous on the phone convincing him to stay in Italy. The only reason I could think for Marcel wanting to come to America is if he thought there was a threat at hand. Marcel, like his brother is protective of his family so what am I missing? Is Kiana in the hospital because of an enemy of Dario?

Dario walked into the room and Luca took his leave like an exchange of roles. This is how it has been since yesterday. The nurse walked in soon after him to bring me some food and check ensure that I was doing okay. She looked nervous around Dario. Honestly I think these men scared her and she isn't at fault for feeling that way.

"Dario, cosa sta succedendo e non dirmi nulla. Ho tutto il diritto di saperlo in quanto moglie."
(What is going on and don't tell me nothing. I have every right to know as your wife.)

"Non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi. Me ne occupo io."
(There is no need to worry. I'll take care of it.)

"Ho bisogno che tu mi dica cosa sta succedendo, Dario. Cosa è successo a Kiana, perché era in coma?"
(I need you to tell me what is going on, Dario. What happened to Kiana, why was she in a coma?)

"I will excuse myself, I'll be back to check on you later Ms.Dawnes."

"It's Mrs.Romano." Dario gruffly corrected her. It isn't her fault, that's the name they have for me in the system. She apologized profusely and practically ran out of the room. He is intimidating the poor woman.


"Kiana was attacked in her home. She was shot, that's why she was in a coma."

"Wtf!? I need to see her Dario, how could you keep that from me!?"

"You need to stay in bed Kiara."

"I can't just lay here and do nothing."

"You won't be able to do anything even if you got up." Ouch.


"It's just the hard truth. I cannot get to the bottom of this and worry about my wife and son at the same time."

"Do you know who is responsible for this?"

"Based off the information I got we don't have much to go by but based on my gut feeling, I think Valentina is behind this."

"You think she is here? In America? Why would she be here?"

"As I said, we don't have much information. The last time we checked she was still in Italy. I don't know if she came here solely to target Kiana or in hopes of finding you. I can't say, but we'll find out."

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