Episode 4: Lurch

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 4: Lurch

The small family of antelopes grazed in peace under the cover of the trees, which made the sun's heat more bearable, even enjoyable, and added to the satiation brought by the vast grass, the four antelopes were having a pleasant time, with no more noise than their biting and walking.

But every moment comes to an end, the ear of the old male twitched, same as his mate's, their offspring, who were already mature antelopes, also heard the subtle yet alarming sound, one of a wanderer. "What was that?" One of the antelopes said, the youngest son of the family.

The male antelope let out a gasp of fear. "Run..." He looked at his offspring and his mate. "Oontu, Yagu, run!" He began to rush with desperation towards the horizon, leaded by his sons and his mate. "We must split, Jazei, we m..!" He screamed with great fear when Kiara jumped over him with not a minimal warning, killing him fast with strong bites, then she followed Rani, who was chasing the female antelope. The two sons decided to hide between the tall grass, the mother kept running, looking at her sides, desperate by not finding them, before she could even try to exclaim their names, Rani jumped at her and bit her neck, bringing her down and killing her with a concluding, powerful bite.

The remaining antelopes trembled with no cease after hearing their parents' demise, crying softly and with no hope, they closed their eyes and heard a paralyzing roar behind them, which was the last thing they ever heard.

On their way back to the Pride Rock, Rani dragged the mother with her closed jaws, she had laid one of the offspring over the side of the antelope. Kiara was doing the same with the father, also having put the other son over him. It took them a while to take their meal and their family's to the Pride Rock, but they finally managed to bring the four dead antelopes to the cave's inside.

"I wonder when they'll come back." Kiara took a bite of the antelope she shared with Rani. "I'm not saving them any leftovers if they delay."

Rani finished munching the piece she was eating, chuckling by Kiara's statement. "I quite like they took a day off, it's good for Kion."

Kiara let out a subtle laugh. "Sure it is. Seeing my brother happy is rare these days." She munched the antelope.

Rani sighed. "You are so right." She took another bite, eating it quickly. "Sometimes I see him awake at midnight, just there." She looked at Kiara. "Thinking, remembering...I can't tell."

Kiara glanced at her. "Haven't you two talked about it?"

Rani shook her head. "No, he is not of those."

"Those who what?" Kiara inquired.

"Those who, well, express their feelings." Rani lowered her head. "At least not with me."

"He just wants to look brave. But I know he does it for you." Kiara tried to reassure her. "Kovu isn't that different, if you ask me." Her comparison made Rani to look at her eyes again. "Kovu has nightmares, very often." She sighed. "But he always tells me he is fine." She thought for a moment. "I can see his suffering, he moves and gasps, sometimes he speaks."

"What does he say?" Rani asked.

Kiara chuckled with subtleness. "Almost always, he pleads for mercy." She got a straight look of worry. "He feels...hated." Kiara's gaze was lost on the antelope's blood covered fur. "He repeats the same name over and over again." She sighed. "Scar, he says."

Rani looked up, focusing on the cave's rocky inside. "I hope our children can live free of those burdens, whatever they may be." Rani bit the antelope.

"They will, Rani." Kiara reassured. "Your children are strong. And I know mine are as well, so, what do we have to worry about?"

Rani let out a sigh and nodded insecurely. "I hope you are right." A tear fell from the corner of her eye, mixing with a drop of blood over the rocky ground.

Kiara noticed the sadness she started to deal with. "Rani, joy." She advised, smirking at her, even if she wasn't looking. "You love them."

Rani slowly looked at her. "Of course I do." Her voice was broken. "I'm..." She breathed in. "...I'm scared, Kiara." She sobbed deeply.

"Oh, Rani." Kiara got closer to her. "Don't fall into that trap." Rani cried softly but with great anguish. "It impedes you to see the beauty of your life. Your children are growing up, their voices have changed, their claws have sharpened as well as their fangs." Kiara exhaled with hope. "But their hearts will grow more greatly, Rani. That should give you peace." She kept glaring at her. "Not only your children, but Kion too. No matter how strong or big he may be now. I still see him, my little, reckless, rightful brother. Just give him time."

Rani looked at her, her tears were flowing more slowly. "Time for what?"

Kiara smiled at her. "To heal." She glanced away, looking at the cave's entrance. "That's what my Kovu needs too." The two lionesses finished eating after a few, silent minutes. Rani walked towards the cave's exit. "Where are you going?" Kiara asked, laying over the ground, about to take a long, post-meal nap.

"I just need some air." Rani breathed in and out slowly. "That's all." She made up a smile then turned and resumed her steps.

Rani walked under the imposing light of the sun, lost inside her thoughts, reflecting on Kion and herself, the family they were and the things they had gone through together, she smiled when remembering the day she found out she was expecting, the light that Kion's eyes showed when she gave him the news was one that she would never forget, pure bliss and gratitude, the same thing happened when she told him about Ari, the joy in his voice and the words of love that came from his mouth remained intact in her memories.

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