Episode 17: Breach

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 17: Breach

At midday, below the Pride Rock, two huge groups of lions and cheetahs were expecting the words of the two siblings, Kion and Kiara, who were standing on the tip of the Pride Rock, looking down at them. "Warriors of Ferezan, of the Pride Lands, listen this well!" Kion exclaimed. "None of us will turn back until the battle is won! Jasiri and the outlanders will pay for what they've done!" The crowd roared and chirruped with courage. "As I promised to the nation of Nandari, two legions, one of Ferezan, one of the land of ours, will have the duty to protect the caracals from the threats of Jasiri and Baturu. The rest will fight today, to regain peace once and for all!" He raised his gaze and roared strongly, accompanied by his sister's roar and the ones of his warriors as well as the chirrups of Ferezan's.

Kiara looked at the legions, knowing they were ready to battle. "Lions! Cheetahs!" She roared. "The war on the hyenas starts now!" More roars and chirrups were heard.

Meanwhile, in the Outlands, Jasiri was in a cave, walking around Jazanu, with a frown of scold. "What have you done?!" She approached him and threw a blow at his snout, making him to growl and groan.

Jazanu gasped and frowned at her. "My queen! We have to show our strength! That nothing will stop us! That's what you asked me for when you named me captain!"

"At battle! At war! Not with small, defenseless cubs!" Jasiri growled at him. "The only thing you've shown is cowardice! Jazanu!"

"Cowardice! Just look at you, you just stay here waiting for them, while I actually take action and hurt them, hard!" Jazanu exclaimed, both of them were walking in circle while looking into each other's eyes.

"No, Jazanu! You just brought war earlier, that's all! And thanks to you, my children and yours will be in danger too!" Jasiri growled at him.

"You don't know that!" Jazanu argued.

"I know the lions, Jazanu, they'll want to get revenge." Jasiri got closer to him. "You've put our kingdom at risk."

Jazanu let out a brief chuckle of mockery. "Then nothing changed, Jasiri, we've been always at risk, we are hyenas. The exiled, the misfits, it's always been that way." He took a few steps towards her. "And that's exactly why I ordered my warriors to kill those cubs. They have to know we are sick of being the humiliated and the weak, they must know we'll do anything, and I mean anything, to change things forever."

Jasani growled. "I made a mistake when naming you captain of my legions."

Jazanu laughed. "Your legions?! Maybe back in the day, Jasiri." He chuckled arrogantly. "Now they only serve one hyena."

"My warriors are loyal, Jazanu." Jasiri said. "They know who they fight for."

"Well..." Jazanu growled and began to show his fangs with a daring smile. "There's only one way to find out."

"Jazanu...I'll give you the chance to leave the Outlands and never come back...you are no longer my captain." Jasiri grunted more strongly at him. She kept walking towards him, forcing him to walk back. They eventually exited the cave, stepping over the high, rocky path outside of it, several meters above the ground, like a cliff. Jazanu gasped a bit when his hind leg felt just air beyond the path, knowing he had reached the edge, so he just stopped walking back and rapidly got in the middle of the path, with his glare still locked on Jasiri's. "I insist, Jazanu...go away...with your children and mate."

Jazanu chuckled with a frown. "Jaira won't accept that...my queen." He said that last word mockingly. "I will stay."

"Then..." Jasiri crouched. "...you will die." She grunted with rage at him and jumped with her open jaws, bitting his neck strongly, making him to laugh with pain. The two hyenas began to fall down the cliff, hitting several paths and rocks, Jasiri's teeth were still biting Jazanu's neck with strength. After hitting a big rock, Jasiri let out a gasp of pain and let go off Jazanu's bleeding neck. They fell over the ground and slowly began to get over their paws. Several hyenas began to gather around them, more behind Jazanu than behind Jasiri. "Kill him!" Jasiri ordered, gesturing at Jazanu. "He has betrayed me!" She looked over her back and looked at the group of hyenas behind her. "Now!" The hyenas nodded hesitantly and growled while walking past her towards Jazanu.

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