Episode 64: Superior

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 The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 64: Superior

In the middle of the night, a loud and terrifying roar was heard in Nandari, the white rocky walls of the defile trembled as pieces of rock fell over the sandy ground. The scared and confused caracals exited their caves, along with their king, Nekeri, who rushed rapidly towards the growls and the sounds of falling rocks, followed by his mate, Nzuri. "What is that?" He narrowed his eyes while seeing a purple glow moving fast over one of the paths that led to the caves.

"It's...a lioness, I think." Nzuri opined.

"I didn't know lionesses glowed like th..." Nekeri gasped and stopped his steps when seeing the lioness ripping off the head of one of his subjects with a single bite, then the lioness hit another caracal with her strong claws, killing her instantly as her corpse smashed onto the rocky wall, leaving it covered with blood. "Go to the Pride Lands, ask the king for help." He told his mate with great worry. "I must go for my brother and his family."

"I won't leave y..." Nzuri was interrupted by her mate.

"Go! Please, I must take my family and my subjects to safety." He placed a paw on her face. "And I need you to be safe as well, stay in the Pride Lands, and wait for me there." Nekeri hurried away from her while she rushed in the opposite direction.

The lioness was strong and tall, she entered a cave and jumped at one of the caracals that were there, biting his chest and piercing his heart in an instant, killing him and chasing her next target after so, who was the mate of her previous victim. The frightened caracal had exited the cave, running erratically over the sandy and rocky path, the lioness approached her and threw a blow at her hind legs, tearing them to pieces, making the caracal scream loudly by the pain and fall to the ground, crawling with her front paws, as her hind legs were just hanging pieces of bone and skin, leaving a trail of blood on the white sand. "Help!" She let out a scream of agony as she cried. The purple glowing lioness let out a roar and bit her head, ripping it off and throwing it away.

"Get out of here!" A caracal exclaimed as he jumped at her with his paws and claws ready to attack, but the lioness hit his face strongly with her claws out, passing through skin, muscle and bone, destroying his face, then another pair of caracals rushed towards her.

"What do you want?!" The young caracal expressed with great hatred and confusion, and before he could try anything, the lioness pierced his throat with her claws, and threw him at the other caracal that was approaching her, making him fall. The remaining caracal cried as he tried to get his comrade's body off him, but the lioness walked by him and started to press his head against the ground with her big paw, making the caracal scream and screech loudly as she put more and more pressure, until his head burst. The lioness roared and kept looking for more victims.

Ngozi, king Nekeri's brother, and his mate Naibi, rushed hurriedly along with their cubs, Nuku, Vari and Makei. "What's going on?!" Vari exclaimed as she cried with great worry and fear.

"Just keep running, sweet." Naibi expressed as they entered a small tunnel that went into that side of the defile. The tunnel had several openings that let the caracals see out.

"I think we lost it." Ngozi said as they kept running hurriedly on the rocky and rough path.

The lioness' paw entered through one of the openings, the caracals let out screams of fright as some of them jumped over the paw while others ran under it, then they kept hurrying as the lioness roared.

The little caracals cried with great dispair. "Just look at the front..." Naibi told her children as she looked at the lioness who was running and growling on the other side.

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