Episode 35: Despondency

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 35: Despondency

Dogo and Garia were walking under the dying heat of the sunset, right next to The Outlands' great defile, stepping slowly over the hard, red brownish rock, with calmness and quietude. "How will he...or she live here, darling?" Dogo inquired.

"What do you mean?" Garia raised an eyebrow, having her gaze locked on the horizon.

"I want my cub to live in peace, carefree, not worrying about war, about loss..." Dogo lowered down his gaze. "Even now, I fear for his life, her life..." He sighed. "I fear for our cub, and for you, Garia."

"Why? There has always been conflict around us, Dogo, and yet we are here, united and strong." Garia nuzzled his neck.

"I know, but...until when?" Dogo inquired. "There is no safe place or time for us to enjoy this, my beloved..."

"You are wrong, sweetheart." Garia spoke reassuringly. "No matter the time, no matter the place or situation, even if our entire species were wiped out and The Outlands were reduced to mere ashes...we'll be a family, a loving mother, a caring father and a beautiful cub, all together, being thankful and happy, sharing laughs and signs of affection, maybe between dead, between havoc, but always having precious moments." She stroked him continuously with her forehead.

Dogo nodded, having a straight face and a tear forming in the corner of his eye. "I had a terrible dream last night." His voice was broken. "I...I saw you dying...in a horrible way." He began to sob quietly. "The lion ate you, not leaving any rests over a field covered with blood." Dogo fought his own sadness, being able to hold his urge to cry. "Then the lion smiled at me, his face was suddenly right before me, with blood on his mouth and teeth." He gasped and let out a sigh. "And I did nothing...I just stood there, mourning your death...and our cub's." Dogo couldn't hold his crying anymore, so he started to cry bitterly. "The poor jackal wouldn't see the light of day, he would never know his own parents, grow and make friends, play in the gorges, choose a mate and give us grandchildren..." Dogo kept crying while Garia nuzzled his face gently.

"It was just a nightmare, Dogo." Garia licked his face. "There's nothing to worry about."

"But it can happen, my love, war will come to us, maybe sooner than we think." Dogo shook his head. "I...I love you so much, and I don't want to lose you." He kept crying. "Nor our cub."

"You are so afraid, darling...and that's okay. But still, you have never been carried away by fear, don't let it dominate you." Garia spoke firmly and reassuringly.

"I try." Dogo grunted. "But it's so strong, so...hard to overcome."

"You are not alone, Dogo." Garia walked closer to him, resting her face on his, nuzzling him. "I'm here, right at your side, forever."

Dogo stood silent for a moment then he replied with a calmer tone. "I've thought of something that could ease my fear, something that will keep you and our cub safe." He sobbed. "Maybe, you can escape war before it reaches our land. Run away, until The Outlands, The Pridelands, Ferezan and all of the kingdoms disappear from your sight, and after that, keep running, until you reach a place of peace, where you can take care of our cub, and let him grow happy, away from all disturbance."

"Dogo." Garia said with a straight tone, still caressing his face with her own. "There's no such place...not now at least."

Dogo sighed. "The Unending Mountain, you said you believe in it."

Garia's gaze was locked on the ground. "I do, but as it could be real, it also couldn't, darling. And even if it was, it's far away from my capacities, my cub and I would suffer slow deaths, under the uncovered sun, surrounded by the desert's nothingness. The vultures would have a feast like none they had before...and that would be the end of your mate and our cub."

Dogo's crying increased. "Why am I so weak, Garia? You don't deserve a mate like me, fearful...pathetic."

Garia nuzzled him. "You are not weak, sweetie. Fear is part of life, feeling it doesn't make you pathetic." She stroked him with her forehead. "I love you." She licked him. "I will be your shelter, sweetheart, in this time and the ones to come. And we will raise our cub together, at war, at peace, at abundance, at shortage...I'll never leave you."

Kion and Rani were supervising the training of the warriors, the cheetahs and the lions conformed two teams, the goal was to 'eliminate' the members of the rival team by tackling them, until only one team remained. The exercise was taking place behind Pride Rock, Kion and his mate were watching from an elevation there while the warriors ran over the tall, dry grass, under the moonlight. "These are strong warriors, Rani." Kion said, looking at them with confidence. "We can win this."

Rani nodded, with some doubt in her thoughts. "Koca has trained them well." She saw how the cheetahs rapidly charged at the lions. "Ferezan's forces are being of great help."

"Strength and speed." Kion studied the performance of the warriors. "A great combination for victory." He suddenly remembered his days in the Lion Guard. "A balanced force to take down our enemies, to fight back...and defend."

Rani looked at her mate, seeing the nostalgic look on his eyes. "Battle always brings back those memories, doesn't it?" She got closer to him and nuzzled him.

Kion sighed. "Yes. I can't believe how much time has passed since our last battle cry." He chuckled. "A bunch of kids protecting the Pride Lands..."

"And you all did a very good job, Kion." Rani stroked him. "The kingdom will always be in debt with you."

Kion had his gaze still focused on the warriors'exercise. "The Lion Guard made me who I am today, and that's why I'm not afraid, Rani. I won't fail Mufasa's kingdom, Baturu will be defeated."

Rani kept stroking him with her forehead. "Just keep firm, as you've always done. And regardless of all this, of your duties...stay calm for me, okay?"

"Calm?" Kion looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

Rani sighed, lowering down her head while closing her eyes. "A leader also needs to be serene, in order for his judgment to stay, but also to avoid losing himself, forever."

Kion looked away for a moment, thinking on his mate's words. "Losing myself? Rani...." He glared back at her. "Do you think I'm losing myself, as you just said?"

Rani shook her head. "No, Kion. Not yet." She opened her eyes, looking at the ongoing exercise. "If devastation reaches us and all hope is lost...don't let your heart grow dark." She nuzzled him again. "Darkness can take different shapes, in so many ways, Kion. But I believe in the light you have inside, and that makes me feel calmer."

"Rani, I will do what it takes to keep our land safe. And I do not fear I'll take any missteps, because I have you, my dear." He licked her and nuzzled her. "With you by my side, I have nothing to be afraid of...not even myself."

In Ungari, at midnight, Emba was walking over the paths and tunnels of the place, bearing a great sadness, thinking about Pride Rock and his parents. He had a lump in his throat, one he struggled to hold. The moonlight gently illuminated his steps, Emba stopped walking right at the edge of a cliff. He laid down there while looking at the pool and the waterfalls, paying attention to the sound of the falling water to distract himself. That sound made him feel accompanied in some way, it also gave him a sense of security regarding his feelings, which he couldn't hide anymore. Emba started to cry deeply, not worrying anyone could hear him as the falling of the water felt like a safe barrier for him to do so calmly. As the water, his tears kept going and his sobs didn't stop. "I...I miss you so much, daddy..." His cry got stronger. "...mom." Emba continued crying with a clear bitter tone, letting out the pain he was feeling with careless, continuous sobs and gasps.

Author's note: Hi, dear readers! Thank you so much for your great support! It means a lot! God bless you all! This story will be on hiatus for a while as I intend to work on another story I put aside. Take care!

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