Episode 37: Maternity

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 37: Maternity

Garia kept running, not listening to the pain of her lungs and her paws. She entered the Pride Lands and started to slow down gradually, smirking with tears still forming in the corner of her eyes, breathing in and out with intensity. She began to walk when seeing two male lions approaching her with cautious glares.

"Jackal." The black maned lion said, standing before her with an authoritarian glance, as those two had been entrusted to question any animal who entered their territory, being ally, enemy or neutral.

Garia struggled to recover her breath. "Nyum..." She sighed and fell to the ground, extremely exhausted. "...bani."

"Bring her, now." The lion commanded, his comrade then hurried to the caves that surrounded Pride Rock.

"When will dad return, mommy?" A infantile echoing voice was heard in the dense darkness. "Will I meet him? Will he even know my name?"

Garia woke up abruptly, gasping and screaming loudly, breathing anxiously while looking around her. She was in a big cave, laying over a bunch of dry grass and thin dirt, with a pond of water next to her. Garia got onto her paws with effort and walked towards the pond. She looked at her own face on the water's reflection then just started to drink. "You are a strong jackal, Garia." She gasped when hearing the feminine and confident voice. Garia turned and glared at the lioness that had just entered the cave.

"Nyumbani?" Garia inquired.

The lioness nodded. "Indeed." She bowed her head briefly. "It's my pleasure to serve our allies just as king Kion ordered." Nyumbani gestured at their surroundings. "I take care of all the affairs regarding the caves in our land. I must say this is one of the best in the entire kingdom."

"I..." Garia was fascinated with the attributes of the place. "I don't know what to say."

Nyumbani chuckled. "Your amenity is my best reward."

"Thank you s..." Garia groaned by the pain she suddenly felt on her legs.

"Hey, easy..." Nyumbani helped her get back on the grass. Garia laid down over it and gave Nyumbani a thankful smirk. "You had a long and painful trip, Garia. You have to rest, and leave everything behind, for now."

Garia lowered her head. "Yes, I know...but it's v..." Her voice started to break. "It's very hard." She let out a sob.

"Hey..." Nyumbani sat down next to her. "Your mate will come back, don't worry."

"How are you so sure?" Garia was crying softly yet bitterly.

"Just have faith, Garia. For you and your cub." Nyumbani smirked at her. "Congratulations, by the way."

"I don't want my little one to live without a father." Garia kept crying.

"Dogo is risking himself to keep you safe." Nyumbani said, then she gestured at the cave's corners. "And Kion has granted you a splendid place to live these troubled days." She stroked her forehead with hers and got onto her paws. "Be grateful, Garia. And wait for your beloved one. Start loving the life that lays in your womb."

Garia felt moved by Nyumbani's words, her cry turned from a sad one to a hopeful one. "Thank y..." She sobbed. "...thank you so much."

"Rest well, queen of The Outlands, just as my king wishes you to do." Nyumbani walked away from her and exited the cave.

Garia took a deep breath and exhaled peacefully, her tears dried and her heart warmed. She began to picture her future cub, chuckling and looking at her with innocent, light brown eyes, playing in their cave, barking with joy and love, cuddling in stormy, frightful nights, breathing tenderly, resting the head against her neck. A deep and tranquil dream brought Garia into an immeasurable, unconscious happiness.

Son of mine, when will you find me?

Chant of life, I will wait for you,

My heart sings when I see you, son,

Little fire that burns my heart.

Small are your paws, as your fangs,

Big are your goals, little dreamer,

Black is your nose, as a thin scree,

Tan is your fur, warm as the sun.

A cub shall grow and become great,

Running wildly in the gorges,

Finding friends to laugh and thrive with,

Learning how to live and battle.

Love will come from the heart and mind,

New and unexpected feelings,

Strongly bonded affections,

Omens to a loving future.

Garia felt her blessing living in her, crying softly and tenderly by the happiness she felt, smelling a fancied scent, sweet, pure and familiar, yet unique. "My gift. My new reason to live." She spoke with a broken voice, calm and blissful. "Thanks for being here with me." Garia chuckled softly. "Keeping me company." She was laying under a tall tree, looking at a star filled sky, with a gigantic moon adorning the landscape. "Your father loves you so much, and he will return soon."

Her little cub laid over her belly, looking at her while smiling. "I love you, mom."

Garia let out a sob of joy. "And I love you too, little one." She licked the cub's face. "I don't know your name yet...and still..." Garia cried in peace and tenderness.

The little cub licked her back. "I can't wait to know him."

"Oh, you'll love him as well, my cub. He is the most attentive, loving and faithful jackal you'll ever meet." Garia stroked the little jackal's face with her forehead.

The little jackal chuckled. "Sounds like he will be a very cool dad!"

"I assure you that." Garia kept stroking the cub. "You two are going to have so much fun."

"Oh! Is he also funny?" The cub sighed hopefully. "I'll be counting the days, mom, until we are a family."

Garia licked her cub's head tenderly. "We already are, my sweetie."

The cub smirked at her. "I know...mommy." The baby jackal licked her face.

Garia cried with a great happiness inside her, a feeling that invaded every thought, every breath and every tear that ran down her fur. "You don't deserve any pain." She kept crying. "And I'll make sure you always live happy and calm."

"You sound worried, mommy." The face of the little jackal showed concern.

"I am..." Garia sighed with a sudden sadness. "...I am, my sweet. Our world is violent and dark." She shook her head while looking into her child's eyes. "Respect for life has..." She sobbed bitterly. "...vanished." Garia cried while lowering down her gaze.

"Mommy." The cub spoke with a broken voice. "Mommy."

Garia sobbed. "Yes? My child?"

"Things will be better, they have to." The little jackal smiled at her.

Garia chuckled, moved by her cub's reassuring comment. "Yes, dear." She licked the cub's face. "They have to, right?"

"Mhm." The cub nodded confidently then yawned deeply.

"Oh, you're so sleepy already." Garia chuckled peacefully. "Sleep, my beautiful, little cub." She smelled the sweet scent of her child. "Dream with long meadows, tall grasses, colorful flowers, blue skies and gentle winds." She closed her eyes and rested her head over the soft grass. "I'll be waiting for you." A tear ran down her face, she had a beautiful smirk, full of love and motherly emotions.

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