Episode 38: Battle

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 38: Battle

Rhinos, cheetahs, lions and jackals fought with brutality in the Outlands, Dogo and Bedor had reunited with Gorger and the rest of their forces. Kion approached them between the battle. "We must bring down the rhinos first, they're liquidating us!" He gestured away to show them the impetus with which the rhinos were killing their soldiers. "I have a plan." Kion looked at them with a convinced glance. "My cheetahs will distract them, then we'll attack them from all fronts, jackals and lions."

Bedor looked at Gorger and his king. "That could work."

"Alright, Kion." Dogo nodded at him.

Bedor howled and started to run towards one of the rhinos. "Mbweha!" He killed a cheetah on his way, biting his neck strongly and throwing him to the ground, panting and running with conviction, starting to be followed by his warriors. "End with the rhinos, brave Mbweha!"

Dogo, Kion and Gorger followed them, Kion looked up and let out a noisy roar. "Ferezans!" The cheetahs began to group around him. "Distract the rhinos while we take care of them!" The cheetahs chirruped affirmatively. "Lions and lionesses of Mufasa's kingdom! Fight them with courage and boldness! Bite and blow until there's nothing left of them!" Kion roared with bravery, more roars and chirrups of the same kind were heard afterwards.

Rani and Kiara had heard Kion's command as well, they ran rapidly towards his horde, being chased by two cheetahs. Baturu looked at them from a high rock and let out a growl, he then jumped to the ground and rushed towards them. One of the cheetahs scratched Rani's hind leg, she groaned and stopped her steps suddenly, the cheetah then also stopped running, but somewhat late as Rani had already jumped at her, getting her head inside her jaws, biting strongly and killing the cheetah rapidly, barely managing to hear her final scream. Rani looked at her wounded leg for a moment then licked it a couple of times, she then turned in order to keep following Kion and Dogo's warriors, but a brutal blow came from behind her, scratching her face badly, she screamed intensely by the pain and fell to the ground. Rani looked up and saw Baturu standing before her, walking menacingly while chuckling evilly, licking the blood on his claws. "No spurious royalty like yours can beat me, Rani, so called queen of the Pridelands." He growled strongly at her.

Rani gasped by the pain on her bleeding face. "You'll never be king, Baturu."

"I've always been king! Don't you see the greatness of my army! The loyalty tha..." Baturu got suddenly blowed by Kiara, he staggered as he looked at her with rage and pain, his face was bleeding just as Rani's, he covered his face with a paw. "You filth!"

"There's more where that came from!" Kiara growled at him daringly. Baturu roared with rage and ran towards her, he jumped and then got tackled by Rani, she grunted while scratching his face with her sharp claws, cutting his eye badly, making him scream by the pain. Baturu turned over violently while throwing a desperate blow at her face, she grunted and fell to the ground then stood up and moved away from him while rubbing her face.

"Gah! Idiot!" Baturu stood up while growling at her, his right eye was bleeding, as well as several cuts on his face.

"My king!" Denji arrived and tackled Kiara, she groaned and bit his mane with strength, then threw him aside, Denji hit the ground a couple of times until laying next to Baturu, screeching and groaning.

"Stand up, Denji! Stand up!" Baturu exclaimed at Denji.

"Yes...king!" Denji got onto his paws while shaking his head and growling at the two lionesses. He rushed towards Rani and jumped towards her, raising a paw, with his claws ready to strike, she dodged him and let him fall over the ground then rushed and with a growl of rage she started to bit his neck with strength, grunting and munching continuously. "Gah! Help...m..!"

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