Episode 66: Revelation

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 The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 66: Revelation

The nocturnal wind wrapped the lions and the cheetahs that surveilled the plain of the savanna, narrowing their gazes as they tried to see through the dense darkness around them, while the singing of the crickets lightened the atmosphere a bit. "Don't you think this is a bit excessive?" Zuri asked Kiara.

"Not when The Lion Guard is out of combat." Kiara replied, keeping her eyes and ears alert.

"Fair, but Koca's warriors are helping too, aren't they?" Zuri yawned. "And the cheetahs of Ferezan."

Kiara sighed. "Koca and his lions are guarding another front, this is our front. You did hear what happened in Nandari, didn't you?

"Yes, but..." Zuri got a look of warning and annoyance from Kiara. "...nevermind." She yawned again. "We're happy to help."

"Mhm." Tiifu said and yawned as well. "But it'd be nice to, like, take turns to sleep an..." A loud roar was heard all of a sudden, a flock of birds flew away with fear from a set of trees that was nearby.

"She's here!" Kiara exclaimed, adopting a combat position, along with the rest of the hunters. "She could come from any direction, so stay focused!"

Tiifu was trembling, she tried her best to hide it but Zuri noticed it immediately as she was very close to her. "Hey, you'll be fine, calm down. It is like hunting." Zuri spoke in a reassuring tone. "It's just like hunting, Tiifu."

Tiifu took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "It is like hunting...it is like hunting." She looked at Zuri, still with fear in her eyes, but also showing a small grin of thankfulness. The purple light of the lioness shined from the shadows, her terrifying white eyes looking at the hunters and the warriors of Ferezan with hatred and fury. She had freckles on her snout and a dark stripe on her head's fur.

"Attack!" Kiara commanded, the lions and cheetahs roared and chirruped loudly, rushing towards the lioness with their claws and fangs ready to strike. The roars and growls of the enemy were very loud and shocking, making the fur of even the bravest of the group stand on end. The first bites and blows were given by the monstrous lioness, tearing apart the faces and necks of her rivals. Kiara jumped at her from the rear, getting on top of her and biting her upper back, making her screech and growl by the pain. Zuri approached the lioness' side with agility and threw a violent blow at her, then Tiifu became emboldened and with a roar of bravery, she started to bite one of the hind legs of the enemy.

Another lioness, also glowing purple, who had small spots under her white eyes and on her snout's bridge, was watching the battle attentively from the top of a tall, lonely mound. She emitted unintelligible words with a dry and dark voice. Ari was stalking her from behind a pile of rocks and a dry bush, she was approaching her with careful and light steps, very slowly, until she got close enough and jumped at her, roaring and pushing her with her front paws, making them both fall from the mound, groaning and growling, hitting the rocky surface of the mound until reaching the ground. As Kiara, Tiifu, Zuri and the other fighters dealt with the enemy, a cheetah noticed the purple glow of the second lioness from the distance. "Kiara! There's another one!" He approached her and helped her get onto her paws as she had received a hit.

"Another one? Where?" Kiara looked at him with great confusion.

"Under the mound." The cheetah gestured at the place then Kiara rushed towards it, focusing on the purple glow of the lioness.

The lioness recovered quickly and stood up before Ari, growling at her with rage. "Ungh..." Ari groaned as she got onto her paws, looking at the enemy with a frown of hostility. The glowing monster let out a roar, jumping at Ari with her claws out, and right when the lioness was about to attack Ari, she got brought down by Kiara's fierce tackle. She looked at her niece with eyes that flashed with anger.

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