Episode 44: Uncertainty

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 44: Uncertainty

In the morning, the lions and the cheetahs were training their battle techniques, being supervised by Koca. On the meantime, Kion was teaching Emba how to battle, next to the training warriors. Kion tackled his son, not applying too much strength, getting his snout close to his neck. "You go for the neck, then you bite and don't stop, until your enemy is done."

"And...what if my enemy gets me first?" Emba inquired.

"You do the same, bite the neck." Kion got off him slowly. "Without hesitation."

"Okay." Emba got onto his paws.

"Well, go ahead." Kion said.

Emba raised an eyebrow. "Uhm...with you?"

"Of course." Kion replied with a nod.

"Alright." Emba said with doubt and rushed towards him and with a jump, he pushed his chest with his front paws, Kion brought himself down, pretending to be aiming at his son's neck, opening his jaws. Emba bit his neck softly without applying to much pressure.

"Good." Kion praised with a smile. "Think fast and no one will take you by surprise." Kion got onto his paws, as well as his son.

"I did good? Really?" Emba inquired with a glare of excitement on his face.

"For sure, Emba!" Kion licked his face, making him chuckle. "You are learning fast." He nuzzled his forehead with pride. "You will be the strongest of warriors. The wisest of kings."

"I'm not sure if I can be as good as you." Emba said.

"Oh, son." Kion expressed. "I...I've been everything but a good king."

"Don't say that, you're amazing!" Emba praised.

Kion chuckled. "Thank you, my son. I promise you that I'll make better decisions from now on." He looked into the sky, with a nostalgic and decided glance. "I promise."

Kovu was hiding behind a big rock, having listened to their conversation. There was guilt in his eyes, but also great worry and uncertainty. He left with caution and stealth.

On the meantime, Zale, Keru and Ari were playing on a large pond that had formed next to Pride Rock. Keru hit the water with his hind leg, wetting Ari's face. "Gah! It's so cold!" Ari exclaimed between chuckles.

Zale pushed Keru, making him fall and get completely wet. "It's bath time, brother!"

"Zale!" Keru got onto his paws and shook in order to dry himself a bit, trembling by the coldness of the water.

"I told ya!" Ari told Keru. "It's cold!"

"Don't be so sensitive, guys." Zale said.

"Zale, Keru." Kovu arrived, gesturing backwards. "We need to talk."

"But we're playing now." Keru said.

"Yes, dad, maybe l..." Zale got interrupted.

"Now." Kovu said with a straight tone.

Keru and Zale walked away from the pond, drying themselves off while glaring down with sadness. "Are we in trouble?" Zale inquired.

"No, no son, don't worry." Kovu said, hesitating to ask what he wanted to know. "Now that we are here, do you see how much responsibility you will have when you grow up?"

"When we become kings?" Zale inquired.

"Indeed." Kovu replied firmly.

"But I don't want to be king." Keru said.

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