Episode 45: Conversion

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 45: Conversion

In the middle of the night, Baturu was in his lair, sitting down, facing the rocky wall. "My king." A young lion arrived, standing right at the entrance to the cave.

"Come in." Baturu said with a cold tone.

The young lion entered. "The warriors are ready, I suggest t..."

"We'll wait, Dezu." Baturu lowered down his gaze. "Until the final battle comes."

Dezu raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I say so." Baturu replied angrily while looking at Dezu with a hostile glare.

"But..." Dezu was interrupted.

Baturu roared at him strongly, making him crouch and back away with great fear. "Go away! You're not Denji!" He walked towards him while frowning. "You're one more of them, just another worthless subject! Stop bothering me or I'll kill you!"

"Y...yes my king." Dezu rushed away from him, exiting the cave hurriedly.

Baturu lowered his gaze, shaking his head while sighing. "What are you waiting for, Kion?" He slowly looked up, seeing the dim stars of the night through the cave's entrance. "What are you waiting for?!" He let out a fierce growl.

Meanwhile, Garia was taking a walk, feeling the soft and cold grass touching her paws, the air stroking her face and the life that laid in her womb. "Your father is busy right now." She mumbled lovingly. "Taking care of some...unwanted affairs." She sighed with hope. "But it will all be over soon."

"Who are you talking to?" Zale approached her all of a sudden.

Garia gasped, jumping slightly by seeing Zale right next to her. She sighed with relief. "Oh, you gave me such a fright, boy."

"Oh...sorry." Zale replied.

Garia smirked at him."It's alright. I was just talking to my cub."

Zale looked around with confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Uhm, where is he?"

Garia chuckled. "My offspring still lives inside me."

"Oh, so maybe is a she." Zale replied.

"Maybe." Garia replied, then looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Shouldn't you be sleeping? Uhm..."

"Oh I'm Zale." He revealed. "What's your name?"

"Garia." She said amicably. "Nice to meet you."

"Same, Garia. Uhm...I should be sleeping, yeah. But I can't." Zale replied.

"Why? Is something troubling you?" Garia inquired as they walked under the stars of the night.

"I don't know. It's just...I was somewhere else a few days ago, it was a nice place, I liked it. But my uncle and my mom wanted us to come back here." Zale responded. "And, as soon as we returned, all began to feel...bad." Zale lowered down his gaze. "My aunt died, my brother Keru and my dad are angry at each other." He sighed. "I try to see the positive, the...good things, but...it's just hard."

"Oh." Garia nuzzled his head gently. "I'm sorry, Zale. Life is like that sometimes, difficult, painful."

"A lot of times." Zale replied with sadness.

"True. But...as you said, see the positive." Garia looked at him with a smile. "You're back home, in the place you belong. Problems will appear eventually, it is...inevitable. What you can do is...to see them as lesson, tests, experiences that will make you stronger."

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