Episode 10: Collision

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 10: Collision

It was midday, Kion, Kovu and the group of lions that accompanied them walked through the dry grass of the savanna, having exited Ferezan, en route to their home, being still far from the dividing river. Emba laid on the back of his father, having fallen asleep, Kion waited a few miles to finally speak with Kovu. "What did you tell him?" Kion inquired, with his tone straight. "About the war."

"It wasn't my intention." Kovu responded. "But it doesn't matter, anyway."

Kion frowned and looked at him. "It doesn't matter?!" He murmured. "The last thing I want is my children to know about this!"

"So do I." Kovu kept glancing frontwards. "But you can't cover the sun with a paw, Kion." Kovu glanced at him briefly. "What will you tell Emba or Ari when their friends mourn the loss of their parents? When they see the hordes of lions and hyenas attacking our pride? What will you tell them?"

Kion sighed rather upset. "That ain't happening, Kovu, not after the deal we've made with Ferezan. The Pride of Baturu and the hyenas won't stand a chance against us."

"Kion, even with Fuli's legions at our side, we are still too few to battle those armies, not counting Nandari's." Kovu argued.

Kion chuckled with disbelief. "We have no issues with Nandari, they won't go to war."

"Not willingly, maybe." Kovu said. "But you know Baturu, he'll try to make his army bigger, by any means."

Kion gave some thought to Kovu's words, finding some reason in them. "I'll have to talk with Nekeri, then."

"Come on, Kion. If he doesn't accept helping Baturu, what will he do for us?" Kovu argued.

"I'm not asking him for help." Kion said. "I'll offer them protection." He glared at him.

Kovu sighed and shook his head. "That won't be enough. With or without the Nandari, Baturu and Jasiri's armies are still much bigger and powerful than ours."

Kion chuckled confidently. "And you think they'll fight together? One thing that Baturu hates more than our pride are the hyenas, he'll go after them first." He looked at the front and raised his gaze a bit. "We have everything under control, Kovu. War won't reach our barriers, I can assure you that."

Kovu chuckled with incredulity while shaking his head. "If that decree hadn't been spok..."

Kion growled and scratched the ground with his claws, looking at Kovu with a frown. "But it was spoken, Kovu!" He exclaimed, getting the attention of the group, waking up Emba. He looked at them for a moment, then looked back at Kovu with a straight face. "It was spoken." They all kept walking, Emba just rested his head on his front legs again, now hearing the conversation. "Kovu, the clans were out of control!" He mumbled. "If we hadn't taken that decision, they would be on the throne right now, or worse, there would be no throne! Disorder, hunger, death!" He argued. "You wanted that for Kiara, for Zale, for Keru?"

"We may have stopped those things for a while, but now we have war right over us, and what does that bring? The things you've just said, Kion." Kovu responded with a straight tone.

Kion stood silent for a moment. "And what did you propose?" He looked at him. "Remind me."

Kovu switched his gaze from Kion's and the ground. "I..." He sighed. "It's too la..."

"No, Kovu, tell me." Kion said. "What did you propose?"

Kovu let out a sigh of frustration. "I..." He shook his head and glanced away. "As I was saying...it's too late."

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