Episode 50: Ignition

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The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 50: Ignition

On the next night, Kion and Emba were sitting on the edge of Pride Rock, waiting for Kovu and Kiara. "You're gonna vote in the Council, for the first and last time." Kion said.

"What?" Emba inquired while raising an eyebrow.

"The Council gets dissolved tonight." Kion answered. "I'll be the only king reigning our land until your day comes."

"Oh...alright." Emba replied.

On the meantime, Kovu and Kiara were walking up the path that led to Pride Rock in order to join the Council. "Are you voting against or for?" Kovu inquired, looking at her with a serious glare.

"You will know when I vote." Kiara responded coldly.

They arrived and sat down among Kion and Emba. "Sister...Kovu. Thank you for joining this deliberation." Kion said. "Back in the day, I proposed the creation of this Council in order to share my duty with my family, for the great love I've always felt for it, despite the orders of my father as he asked me to lead alone." He looked briefly into the sky. "I should've listen to him from the beginning, I did what I wanted, and that was a huge mistake."

"This is a bad idea." Kovu interrupted, getting a glare of disapproval from Kiara. Emba was just living the scene with no specific reaction.

Kion looked at him with a straight face. "I wasn't brave enough to face this alone, Kovu. This Council lightened the burden of ruling for me, but I should've carried all of it on my back from the beginning, this is what I have to do."

"You should be ruling the Tree of Life! Simba's place was meant for me...for, Kiara! You just decided to come back and take that away from us!" Kovu exclaimed.

"Kovu." Kiara said with a tone of warning.

"Why did you return? Rani would still be alive if it wasn't f..." Kovu got interrupted.

"Shut up, Kovu!" Kiara let out a growl while glaring at her mate with a frown on her face. Kovu stopped talking, looking away with a great rage inside him.

Kion was managing to contain his anger. "We must vote now." He took a step to the front. "Who is in favor of dissolving the Council permanently?"

Emba took a step at the front, hesitantly while looking into Kovu's eyes. "I...I vote in favor." He noticed Kovu's face of disapproval.

Kovu shook his head. "This is ridicu..."

"Vote, Kovu." Kion spoke with a firm tone.

Kovu grunted. "I vote against!" He glared at Kion with a frown. "And what for? You have the casting vote anyway, you've already imposed your will in thi..."

"I vote in favor too." Kiara interrupted, looking at Kovu while shaking her head with a frown of displeasure.

Kovu gasped. "Wh...what?" Kovu growled at her. "You were with him all this time?"

"I am always with my brother, Kovu." Kiara walked towards him in an imposing manner. "Always."

"It is done." Kion said.

Kovu walked past Kiara and began to approach Kion. "You just took everything away from them!" Zale, Keru and Ari sneaked into the concluded deliberation, hiding behind a pair of big rocks, a few steps away from Kovu, poking their heads out.

"That is your biggest problem, Kovu!" Kion got closer to him, looking at him with a gaze of authority. "Power means everything to you! I was always right, Scar still lives in you!" That last statement made Kovu growl with great rage.

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