Episode 32: Junction

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The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 32: Junction

The night had arrived, covering the forest of Ferezan, the sounds of the insects calmed the dark blue atmosphere among the trees and the grass. Faeze, Niri and Tizei were waiting for Aozo, laying around Jantu. "He won't come, Faeze, maybe his mom didn't let him." Tizei supposed.

"Or he is gettting ready." Niri opined.

"Ready? He literally only needs to walk this way." Tizei replied and yawned, resting his head over his front paws. "We should just sleep now."

Niri raised an eyebrow. "Aren't we gonna play first? Or tell stories? Even just talk a bit?" Niri asked with a subtle pleading tone. "It's kinda early, Tizei."

Tizei let out another yawn. "Nope."

Faeze noticed Niri lowering his head with disappointment. He also didn't want to play or talk that much at the moment, it had been a very exhausting day for the little cubs, but he knew these kind of things really excited him, so he just decided to try his best. "Got any jokes, Niri?"

"Oh!" Niri looked at him with a sudden smile. "Yes! I know a good one. Uhm, let me remember..." He silently recited the first words of the joke. "Wait." Faeze chuckled slightly. "Uhm...oh yeah...it goes this way. What's the difference between a honeybadger and a hippo?"

"What is it, Niri?" Faeze inquired.

"Well...that...you know the, uhm, honey..." Niri raised an eyebrow while trying to come out with the answer he remembered was so funny. "Uh..."

Suddenly, Aozo entered the cave, sighing and gasping repeatedly. "Hey guys..." He was recovering his breath effortfully, immediately laying over the ground. "I made it."

"I'm surprised she let you." Tizei was talking about Aozo's mother, who he knew was strict.

"Uhm, yeah...about that..." Aozo looked away. "Nevermind, what did I miss?"

"Aozo, we all needed permission. I don't want any trouble with your mom." Faeze had stood up, he approached him with a straight face.

"Relax, buddy, I'm the one who's getting scolded tomorrow, not a big deal." Aozo responded, standing up while walking around. "So, wanna fight?"

"Yes!" Niri jumped by the excitement.

Faeze sighed. "Alright but just for a..." His eyes widened and looked at Jantu then back at his friends. "Wait, no, we must take care of Potea."

"Oh, he is fine. Look." Aozo gestured at the peacefully sleeping hyena. "It's not like we are fighting outside of the cave."

"But..." Faeze had some hidden fear from the hyena, even if it was minimal. "...what if he wakes up?"

"Then, that means we did a good job, actually." Aozo said.

"Yes, that's true." Niri supported.

Faeze remained thoughtful, looking at Jantu, focused on the tip of his fang, which peeked out from the flew of his snout. "O...kay, then." He crouched briefly then jumped towards Aozo, tackling him and biting him. "Then you'll have to suffer my wrath tonight!" He chuckled as well as Aozo, Niri let out a blissful laugh as well, jumping at them, biting and throwing blows with his small paws, as well as his pals. Tizei pretended to not care for a couple of minutes, but he couldn't resist and finally joined the little fight that was taking place next to the hyena, who still slept in great peace.

Inside the cave of Pride Rock, Kion and Rani were resting, just waiting for the sleep to arrive. Kion was laying his head over her neck. "Any advance with the warriors?"

"The lionesses and the cheetahs are working good together, they are training to blend their abilities the best they can." Rani spoke with a rather disinterested voice.

"Good." Kion said. "Is anything wrong, love?" Kion licked her head.

Rani delayed a bit to respond. "Everything." Her voice was broken.

"Hey." Kion nudged her. "Tell me." He gently rested his head over her neck again. "Just tell me."

Rani sobbed. "It's fine. I'm fine."

Kion sighed. "Please, Rani, tell me, how is everything wrong, as you said?"

Rani let out a sad breath. "My children...my nephews...those poor little cubs..." A large tear formed between her eyelids. "...far from home...confused." She cried softly. "I want them here, Kion, my Emba, my sweet Ari...just here, laying by me...feeling their young fur, their lovely breathing. That's all I want."

Kion caressed her continuously with his muzzle. "That's exactly how I feel, darling, believe me. I miss their games, I miss their talks...their antics." He let out a long, dense sigh. "...but they have to stay in Ungari, with Kovu."

Rani began to cry stronger. "I want them here, Kion..." She remembered their scents, their voices and their faces, the color of their eyes, the patterns of their fur, the tones of their paws. "I want to see them, Kion, please." Her cry became more bitter.

"We will see our children again, my love. Not soon, I'm afraid." Kion's direct words made her to cry deeper. "We must be patient and expect this dark times to end as soon as possible, and that way we'll be able to stay together again, as a family."

"When did all things went so wrong?" Rani kept sobbing. "When did we ask for this tribulation?"

Kion got his face right next to hers. "When we accepted our duty." He licked her. "But I insist, Rani. Better times will come. I just don't know when."

"Will we be alive when those times come, Kion?" Rani said with sorrow.

"Yes, dear." Kion licked her face once again, then let out a sigh and rested his head over his paws. "I'm sure we will." He tried to fall asleep, but it was impossible for him to ignore the crying of his beloved, he started to nudge her face continuously, appeasing her sadness a bit, but not enough. A sudden memory of his mother came to his mind, one of a similar night, when the little Kion couldn't bare the pain he felt on a wound across his paw. Nala sung a comforting song for him that time, a song he still remembered and began to recite, looking at her with deep care and love.

The stars just forgot to show their light,

In the night of lonesome pain and fright,

But this darkness will not last forever,

As the sun awaits so warm and tender.

When your eyes close and your paws spread,

A new dream will save you as you pled,

But for now the braveness shall prevail,

For the peace that you seek to unveil.

And if even then you still feel lost,

When the worry comes and then accost,

My warmth will keep you away from fear,

And my love shall heal this wound you bear.

Sleep oh child the night will pass away,

To bring joy and peace to this new day,

One of chants and games and worlds to see,

Day of light, of sun, of blue mourn free.

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