Episode 18: Clemency

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 18: Clemency

Jazanu's hyenas were battling with the last of Jasiri's, the laughs, growls and bites lasted for several minutes, the ground was covered with corpses of warriors from both sides, predominantly with the ones who were still loyal to Jasiri. Gradually, the noise of the battle became more intermittent, until one final laugh was heard from the last loyal hyena, who got killed rapidly by a rival horde. A new silence was now present, one of victory for Jazanu's followers, but it also felt like one of division, of loss and hidden guilt. "Jazanu!" Juzare exclaimed, standing before the dead hyena, among his comrades. "Jazanu!" He spoke louder, getting no response.

"He is dead!" Another hyena approached them, sitting down and gesturing at the crack that led to the gorge, where Jasiri had killed Jazanu. "Jazanu is dead."

"Dead..." Juzare began to walk towards the crack followed by the other five hyenas. They entered the crack and reached the dead end. Juzare gasped when seeing Jazanu's corpse laying over the ground. "Indeed." He said, subtly smirking. "Our leader is gone." He made up a voice of lament.

"And now that Jasiri has left..." One of the hyenas said. "His son, Jakir, shall take his place."

Juzare's smirk faded, as he started to frown. "One would think that." He turned and approached the hyena. "It's the tradition, isn't it? The heir to the throne shall ascend at the predecessor's dead."

The hyena started to feel rather unsettled by the tone in Juzare's voice. "Yes...that's...the rule." He talked nervously.

Juzare kept looking at him, silent, maintaining his frown, then he let out a chuckle. "What has that cub done for this land? I ask." He looked over his back at Jazanu's corpse. "Isn't it more fair to let the captain's second in command to take his place?"

"Uhm..." The hyena knew he had no other choice but to concur. "Yes." He replied hesitantly.

Juzare's eyes were locked on Jazanu's dead body. "I'm glad you understand, Jinobe." He got thoughtful for a long moment. "Kill him."

Jinobe raised an eyebrow, as well as the others. "Who?...My king." He would be the first to ever give that title to Juzare.

"Jakir." Juzare finally turned his glare back at them. "Jazanu's heir, he cannot live, as my reign would be in danger."

"What about his brother? Jenuk." One of the hyenas asked.

"I want him dead too, as well as their mother." Juzare responded, walking in between them, heading back to the outside through the crack's narrow, dark path, followed by them. The six hyenas exited the crack. "Jinobe, this is your first task as my second in command."

Jinobe's eyes widened, feeling more worried than flattered. "Me?"

Juzare nodded, sitting down among some dead hyenas, the vultures were already watching over the place from the near sky. "Yes, Jinobe." He looked at him with eyes of confirmation. "Now, show your loyalty to me, get rid of Jazanu's family, and then I'll know I made the right choice." Jinobe got deeply thoughtful, almost lost, not saying a word. "Jinobe!" Juzare exclaimed angrily.

Jinobe gasped after visualizing the scene of his task's completion in his thoughts. "Yes..." He responded with agitation. "I...I'll do it..." He bowed his head hesitantly. "...my king."

Juzare looked at him for a moment, with a straight face and finding doubt in his words. "Right." He said. "Do it, now." He gestured away. "Find them, kill them and bring me their corpses." He started to walk away towards the legions of hyenas that were waiting for the words of Jazanu's second in command.

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