Episode 49: Alleviation

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The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 49: Alleviation

Kion was sitting on the edge of Pride Rock, looking into the stars of the night, as the wind caressed his mane. "It's finished." Kion said.

"I knew you could defeat him, son of mine." Simba was suddenly at his side.

Kion looked at his father. "Is this why you asked me to return?" He inquired with great intrigue. "To take your place instead of Kiara?"

Simba was looking at the dark blue horizon. "It proves that you made the right decision."

Kion lowered down his gaze, thoughtful. "She would have ended him as well. My sister is strong, Kovu is strong as well. I was supposed to reign the Tree of Life with...my beloved."

Simba looked at his son. "The Tree of Life is in good paws, you made sure it stayed that way before you left."

"I only left because you asked me to do so." Kion looked at him with subtle resentment. "You're my father, the love I have for you made me listen to your words and accept your orders." He shook his head while looking away. "But I can't lie to you." His voice started to break. "Many times I've wished I hadn't listened to you." A tear ran down his face. "My Rani would still be alive if we had stayed in the Tree of Life." Kion started to sob silently. "Everything would be better."

Simba got onto his paws and approached him, looking into his eyes. Kion slowly switched his gaze towards his father's. "Son." He nuzzled his face tenderly. "I wouldn't have called you if I knew that all of these things were going to happen. Unfortunately, they did, and it's a burden you'll have to carry for the rest of your life."

Kion started to cry, resting his face on Simba's shoulder. "I messed up, father." He sobbed with guilt and sorrow. "I failed you. I failed everyone."

"No, Kion." Simba comforted him with fatherly nuzzles. "You won the war. The Pride Lands are safe once again."

Kion shook his head. "I'm not talking about the war." His tears started to flow more constantly.

Simba kept nuzzling him, thinking for a long moment while caressing his son reassuringly, with understanding, empathy and love. "You made mistakes." He placed a paw over his front leg, patting it gently. "Same as I back when I was in this world, in the place you are standing now."

Kion kept crying. "I need you here." He nuzzled his dad caringly. "I miss you."

Simba nuzzled him and licked his forehead tenderly. "I'm always with you, son, as I am right now. But you must understand something very important, this duty is yours, and you have to confront it, even with your fear, with your doubts." Simba kept nuzzling him. "I trust you, Kion, and I love you."

Kion sobbed. "I love you too, father."

Kion opened his eyes abruptly, still with peace in his heart, with tears falling through the fur of his face. He groaned while getting onto his feet, feeling the pain on his nape, chest and face, still bearable enough to start walking. The light of the moon entered through the cave's entrance, he looked at Kovu and Kiara, who were sleeping as deeply as his cubs and his nephews. He smiled, keeping his gaze on them for a while, then he kept walking towards the exit.

Kion exited the cave and walked down the rocky path until reaching the grassy ground, looking at Pride Rock from below, then he just started to wander around the rest of the caves, looking at the trees, at the stars and the occasional rocks and ponds. He walked peacefully while thinking about his kingdom, about the talk he had with Simba in that dream. "My king." His thoughts were interrupted by Nyumbani's voice.

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