Episode 23: Inverse

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 23: Inverse

Darkness still covered the Outlands in the early morning, the cave where Dogo and his mate where sleeping was almost pitch dark, with the dim light of the far stars entering through the cave's narrow entrance. Dogo was awake, having found enough rest by the peaceful night he spent in his new homeland. He glared at his mate and hesitated a bit to wake her up, noticing she was subtly smiling while sleeping, something he hadn't seen on her for long time. Dogo gently stroked her face, resting his head against hers. "Garia." He spoke softly, enough to make her ear twitch, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, chuckling quietly and licking his face.

"It's still early, Dogo." Garia argued, briefly gesturing at the place's general darkness and letting out a long yawn.

Dogo chuckled. "I know, but..." He sighed peacefully. "I just wanted to talk with you in our first morning at our new home."

Garia let out another brief laugh. "And what do you want to talk about?" She yawned again, closing her eyes and resting her head between her front paws.

"I...I don't know, actually." Dogo replied, trying to think in something remotely interesting for his mate to maintain the conversation. "Uhm, maybe you should begin."

"Oh..." Garia said between chuckles. "I can't think off anything, dear, maybe we..." She sighed. "...shall sleep a bit more."

"Come on." Dogo pleaded, stroking her face. "Just tell me anything you want. I'm not tired."

Garia sighed. "Alright." She finally accepted Dogo's request. "What you think about the cave?"

Dogo found her conversation topic a bit too trivial. "Well..." Or maybe not that trivial. "It's warmer, it's..." He looked a bit at the place. "...bigger."

"Comfy..." Garia described. "Since when could you say that about your home, Dogo?"

Dogo got thoughtful. "Since..." He gave more thought to his reply. "Since never, actually." Dogo let out a single, silent chuckle. "It's strange, but, I thought I would miss those deep tunnels tonight, don't ask me why."

"Nostalgia or something?" Garia inquired.

"Yes." Dogo answered. "But, that didn't happen. Not a single time."

"I knew I wouldn't miss that place. It was dark and cold." Garia opined. "It was very cold. I'll never know for how much longer my bones would've resisted to that."

"Well..." Dogo licked her. "What matters is where we are now."

Garia sighed while chuckling peacefully. "Thanks to you." She licked him back. "My king."

Dogo got thoughtful while looking at his mate's face. "Not thanks to me, actually." He said. "They did most of the work."

"The pridelanders?" Garia inquired.

Dogo nodded. "Basically, I just led you all the way here. That's all."

"So?" Garia stroked his face with hers. "You're still our ruler. You took the decision to finally take us here. Many were scared to leave."

Dogo thought on her comment, letting out a sigh of concur. "I guess you're right."

"I am right, Dogo." Garia licked him again. "You're a born leader. Reirei would be very proud of you."

Dogo reflected on her affirmation, smirking while getting his face closer to hers. "Still, I kind of want to thank him in some way."

"Kion?" Garia asked.

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