Episode 65: Quiescent

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 The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 65: Quiescent

King Nekeri, what was left of his family and the rest of the caracals had been provided with a cave by Nyumbani, who was sitting with Kion next to the Nandari royal family. "Stay all the time you need." Kion told Nekeri. "We'll confront this new menace and put an end to it as soon as possible, so that your land and ours recover peace."

"Thanks, Kion." Nekeri shook his head as he looked at his subjects, who were all in tears, immersed in a deep sorrow.

"I am very sorry for your losses." Kion switched his gaze from Nekeri's to Ngozi's, then looked at Nuku with the same look of compassion. "I'll let you all get some rest now."

"There won't be rest tonight, only grief." Nekeri sobbed, fighting against the lump in his throat.

Kion placed a paw on Nekeri's back comfortingly, then he left the cave, followed by Nyumbani.

Kion let out a long sigh. "Thanks, Nyumbani." He shook his head. "What are we gonna do?"

"Kion." Nyumbani patted his shoulder briefly as she looked into his troubled eyes. "The Pride Lands have faced so many threats throughout centuries, and it has always survived and gotten stronger."

"I know." Kion looked at her. "I just have this...feeling." They exited the tunnels, walking on the grass between the trees and bushes next to Pride Rock.

"What feeling?" Nyumbani inquired with worry.

"It is hard to explain." Kion thought for a moment. "It is something I'd only felt once in my life." He lowered his gaze as the shadows of the past weighed on him. "When Scar returned." Kion glared back into her eyes. "A piercing fear that takes over all of your being, with no mercy."

"Oh, Kion." Nyumbani got closer to him and nuzzled his face tenderly. "The worry and hopelessness that the Pride Lands felt during that time were indeed very dense."

Kion stood silent for a long moment as they kept walking, Nyumbani kept nuzzling him comfortingly, making him calm down slowly. "Nyumbani, I'm sorry for...how I reacted the other day."

"Oh, no Kion...my king, you don't need to apologize. I was very bold in my intentions, to say the least." Nyumbani looked away with shame.

The crickets sung as they passed by a narrow river, which was surrounded by some trees and grassy mounds. "I have to get some things clear in my mind." He sighed. "I...I'm just not ready..." Kion looked at her and stopped walking, placing a paw on her face. "...yet." He smiled at her, making her blush.

"Oh, does that mean...?" Nyumbani got interrupted.

"Yes, I just need time, but I..." Kion felt a sudden feeling of hesitation. "I..."

Nyumbani placed her paw on his, smiling at him with understanding. "Get your mind clear, Kion." She licked his cheek, making him blush as well. "I will wait."

Kion let out a sigh of great relief and bliss. "Thanks, Nyumbani." He nuzzled her cheek gratefully.

Next day's morning, Zale and Keru walked casually under the warmth of the early sun after having their breakfast. "I thought you would've been spending time with your new friend." Zale told his little brother.

"I wanted to, but she's still asleep. She sleeps quite a lot, but I love her that way." Keru expressed with his face illuminated.

"Oh...you love her." Zale gave him a teasing look.

Keru blushed as his eyes widened. "Not in that way, I, I mean...as a friend, friend love. I didn't mean to..."

Zale interrupted him with a chuckle. "I know, Keru, I'm just teasing you."

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