Episode 51: Hope

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The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 51: Hope

All of the animals of the Pride Lands and the nations around it had gathered under Pride Rock by Kion's request, the caracals of Nandari, the cheetahs of Ferezan, the jackals of the Outlands and many other animals from many lands were sitting on the ground in silence as they waited for King Kion to appear and make his announcement. Fuli, Azaad and Faeze were sitting among their fellow cheetahs, in the first row just under the tip of Pride Rock. "What could this be about?" Azaad asked her mate, who had a gaze of hope on her face.

"I don't know." Fuli kept looking at Pride Rock with the same hopeful eyes, then she switched her gaze towards Azaad. "I feel it's something good."

Azaad shook his head. "When was the last time Kion brought good news to his kingdom?"

Kion arrived, standing tall on the edge of Pride Rock, accompanied by his sister, his two children and his nephews. He looked into the sky then sighed and glared back at the enormous amount of animals that were waiting for his words. "My dear subjects, animals from the neighboring lands, as you have been notified, I have an important announcement to make." Kion maintained his gaze of authority, conviction and hope. "The Council of Kings has been dissolved." He waited for all the mumbling and arguing of the animals to stop. "From now on, things will be as they were always supposed to be, as my father wanted, one King under the sky, living to serve..." A lump formed in his throat, but he managed to fight it. "...to protect and love, to reign with strength, but also with humility." Kion let out a sigh while a tear escaped from his eye. "I haven't done any of those things."

Fuli felt as if a spark had lit up her heart. "Kion..." She mumbled while feeling a lump in her throat.

Kion took a deep breath, glancing down, then he looked back at the animals. "That is why I have an additional announcement to make, and I know it's not enough to compensate all the damage that I have done." His voice was broken. "But it's all I can do now." Kion closed his eyes, then took another deep breath. "My dear animals, of every nation, in this very moment, as the King of the Pride Lands, by the power that has been granted to me from the sky, I declare the permanent abrogation of the decree of exile!"

The animals chirruped, roared, growled, chirped, barked and howled with celebration. Fuli gasped and started to cry with happiness while rubbing her head on Azaad's neck, who was astonished and happy by the announcement, smirking while stroking Fuli's head. Birds of all colors covered the sky with their flight of frolic as the elephants blew their trunks loudly and the zebras neigh with joy and hope. Kiara looked at Kion with a smile and nuzzled him, who nuzzled her back with a couple of tears traveling down through the fur of his face. After the celebration and noise died down and most of the animals dispersed, Fuli, Azaad and Faeze headed to Pride Rock, walking on the sloping path that led to it. Kion looked at his longtime friend with a big smile on his face, Fuli approached him and with a sob she nuzzled his chest, resting her head on it as he stroked her head with his lower jaw.

Emba took a few steps backwards when seeing Faeze poking his head out from his father's front leg. "Oh, I remember you." Faeze said.

"And I remember you, you attacked me." Emba replied, adopting a defensive position instinctively.

"Sorry, I was...just playing." Faeze started to walk towards him, same as Emba. "I'm Faeze."

"Emba." He said, still with mistrust.

"You're a cheetah." Keru said while walking around Faeze, sniffing him.

"Uhm, yes I am?" Faeze replied.

"Cool!" Keru smiled at him while sitting down again. "Is it true that you guys are the fastest?"

"I think so." Faeze answered with a friendly smirk.

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