Episode 48: Downfall

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The Lion King: Dawn of the Nations

Episode 48: Downfall

Kion was looking at his surroundings with extreme caution, taking careful steps while breathing silently, he gasped when Baturu tackled him all of a sudden, having come out of nowhere. Baturu submitted him by pressing his chest strongly with both paws, starting to pierce his fur and skin with his claws. Baturu opened his jaws in order to bite Kion's face, but Kion threw a powerful blow at his snout right before it could reach his own. Baturu roared and groaned by the pain on his bleeding snout, covering it instinctively with his paw, thing that let Kion free himself from him, rolling over the ground and getting onto his paws after so, growling and rushing towards Baturu, jumping at him with his front legs extended, aiming at his side, managing to hit and pierce it strongly with his claws.

"Argh!" Baturu fell down and Kion started to throw enraged blows at his face, roaring beastly while looking at his damaged face with an unmeasurable anger. Baturu threw a blow at his face, making Kion back away as he covered his bleeding cheek. Baturu got onto his paws again, ignoring the pain he felt on his deeply scratched face, leaving a trace of blood over the sandy ground as he walked towards Kion. "Your lineage..." He groaned. "...dies tonight!" Baturu began to walk in circle, taking small, cautious steps. "I will kill your family after I'm done with you." He had his gaze locked in Kion's eyes. "Starting with your sister and her mate." Baturu chuckled mockingly. "Then I'll go to your home and kill your cubs, slowly and painfully. Same as your nephews."

Kion frowned at him. "Killing little cubs...such a strong warrior you are." He looked into his eyes with a challenging gaze. "You've always been weak, Baturu. Weak and stupid, thinking you could stand a chance against me." He growled at him.

Baturu growled as well then ran towards Kion, jumping at him and getting over his back, starting to bite his nape. Kion roared and groaned by the intense pain he was feeling as Baturu's teeth pierced his fur, skin and muscle, Kion charged rapidly towards a nearby rocky wall and jumped against it, making Baturu's head and back hit it strongly. Baturu growled and let go off Kion's nape, falling over as Kion stood on his paws with great effort, almost not being able to bear the great pain on his bleeding nape, he roared and approached Baturu, biting his neck and throwing him, taking him to the edge of the sandy surface. Baturu groaned while standing up as his legs trembled, looking at Kion with deep hate and fury. "You will end like your mate, Kion." He chuckled mockingly while licking his lips.

Kion was growling at him while backing away, stopping when he felt his tail rubbing the rocky wall behind him. "What are you waiting for then?!" He yelled with tears on his eyes and a lump in his throat.

Baturu roared beastly and started to run towards him with his jaws open, Kion closed his eyes and took a deep breath, getting his paws firm over the ground. He then opened his eyes and with his glare focused on Baturu, Kion let out the Roar of the Elders, making the ground tremble around him. The clouds in the sky revealed the faces of Simba, Mufasa and Askari, roaring with synchrony, the lightning and thunder increased drastically, getting way louder and stronger, making every animal under the sky shiver with fear and confusion, creating a powerful wind that made Baturu fly away.

Baturu screamed with terror while falling towards one of the lava rivers. Half of his body got submerged on the burning lava as he held onto the shore with his paws, yelling loudly while feeling the lava rapidly destroying his body, making a great effort to maintain his claws embedded in the shore. Kion arrived a few moments later, walking towards him while trembling and groaning. He sat down right before him, looking into his eyes with a straight face. Baturu breathed erratically as blood came out from his jaws with no cease. "Go..." He coughed. "...ahead. Cut..." Baturu vomited blood between his paws. "...my head off." He smirked. "...you want it...don't you?"

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