Episode 6: Enmity

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 The Lion King: Dawn Of The Nations

Episode 6: Enmity

The sunset's dying light entered the Pride Rock's cave while the four monarchs and their children enjoyed their meal, the antelopes that Rani and Kiara had hunted. "Thanks, love." Kovu told Kiara after eating a bite of the antelope he shared with his cubs. "I was starving."

"Well, if you hadn't been all day there..." Kiara stated jokingly, she was laying over a rock next to Rani, as they had already eaten.

"But it was amazing!" Keru said with his mouth full.

"Keru..." Kiara scolded. "What have I t..."

"Oh..." Keru munched well the bite of meat he was eating then he swallowed it. "Yes, sorry." Kiara gestured at him, letting him know he could now proceed. "It was very amazing! There was water, and plants and tunnels!"

"It's a paradise, mom!" Zale added.

Kiara chuckled. "It seems you three really had a good day."

"The greatest of all!" Keru opined.

Kiara let out another calm laugh, then she looked at her brother, who was also eating with his children. "What about you, Kion? How was your day with the kids?"

"Oh, we learned to roar like my dad!" Emba responded for his father.

Kion chuckled. "And you did very well, son." He stroked him with his lower jaw.

Rani smiled. "Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "Like your dad?"

Ari tilted her head a bit, rolling her eyes slightly. "Well, maybe not exactly like him but...uhm...close."

Kion chuckled and also stroked her. "Yes, not like me." He looked at her eyes. "You did better." He smirked.

Ari's look widened, with a growing smirk. "Really? Better?" Kion just nodded at her question.

Emba approached his father. "And I? Did I do better? Not that I'm jealous or something just..." Kion placed his forehead on his.

"Son, you two have the most powerful roars I've ever heard." Kion responded. "Believe it or not."

Emba lowered his gaze briefly then smiled and looked back at his father, resting his head on his chest. Rani was very happy to see her family that way, just enjoying, spending a time with no worries.

The night had arrived, the cubs had gone to sleep and the four monarchs were walking through the savanna among other lions and lionesses, with vigilant glares, some mumbling could be heard between them. "My king, I swear I saw them wandering by the river, they're not respecting the bounds." A lioness said.

Kion sighed. "That's the problem with the hyenas." He shook his head. "They don't respect anything."

"Not only hyenas, your highness." A lion walked between the others to get a bit closer to Kion. "Yesterday I saw a cheetah hunting near the Cereki Hills, I know he wasn't from around."

"And what did you do, then?" Kion asked.

"I...I tried to chase him but he was just too fast." The lion answered. "But I managed to see where he was heading to."

"I hear you." Kion said.

"Ferezan, my king." The lion responded, making Kion to stop walking all of a sudden, lowering his gaze a bit.

Rani approached him. "Kion." She knew what was troubling him.

Kion remained thoughtful for a moment then nodded and glared at his pride. "As these reports say, our land is being invaded by those who are not meant to return." He looked at Kiara. "Kiara, you'll lead the group to deal with the hyenas." Kion glared at Rani. "You are going with her." Lastly, he glanced at Kovu. "You and I will talk with the cheetahs." He wanted to avoid Kovu going to hostile missions as he had been the only one who voted against the exile in the first place. "Half of you will go with our mates, the other must go with us to Ferezan." The group of lions bowed their heads before the four monarchs, expressing their acceptance. Kion nodded at them. "It's agreed, then. We leave at first hour."

In their way back home, Rani approached Kion. "Do you think this is a good idea?"

Kion thought for a moment. "It's the best I can think off."

"Maybe, we..." Rani glared at her side. "We could just let them go with this one."

Kion looked at her with a straight face. "No, Rani. I'm never doing that."

Rani sighed. "Kion, are you really looking for confrontation?"

"Of course not, is the last of things I want." Kion responded. "But if we have to battle with the renegades, so be it."

"Renegades? That's what we are calling them now?" Rani inquired, backing away abruptly by Kion's sudden growl. The lions behind them also backed away instinctively.

Kion sighed. "I only want one thing, Rani." He looked at his mate with apologizing eyes. "To keep our land safe, the land of my father and his father, that's all I want, you understand? I want it to be a home, a true home for our children." He approached her and stroked her with his forehead. "Don't you want that?"

Rani sighed. "I do."

Below the Pride Rock, Kion was giving the last indications to the lions. "Be careful with the hyenas, don't give them the slightest chance to group, once you see one, attack, and repeat, you understand?" Kion's words made the lions to roar with commitment. Kion roared beastly after so and the lions returned to their respective refuges.

Emba woke up with a gasp by the intense noise of his father's roar, he smirked when seeing him entering the cave along with Rani. "Dad." Emba tried to speak softly as his sister and cousins were still sleeping. He ran rapidly towards his father. "Hey, where did you go?" Emba inquired with curiosity.

"Nowhere interesting, son." Kion subtly smirked at him and stroked him. "Just some royal affairs."

"What are those?" Emba tilted his head and followed his father.

Kion yawned and laid down next to his daughter, Emba approached him and also laid next to him. "Sleep Emba." He let out another yawn. "Just get some sleep."

Rani approached them and laid down by her mate, resting her head over his neck. Emba walked towards her. "Mom, where did you go?" He insisted.

Rani sighed. "Some things I can't explain, son." She started to close her eyes, beginning to fall asleep quickly. "I can't..." She yawned deeply. "...explain."

Emba lowered his head, disappointed as he wanted to know about the matter. He noticed that Kovu couldn't sleep, he was laying next to Kiara, looking frontwards, with a straight face. Emba then took some careful steps towards his uncle. "Uncle Kovu." He sat down next to him. "What's going on?"

Kovu shook his head and stood silent for a moment then glanced at Emba. "You really want to know?"

"Of course." Emba answered. "I heard my dad's roar, that means he said something important, doesn't it?"

Kovu chuckled. "Technically." He glared upwards then let out a sigh and lowered his head. "If you think war is important."

Emba gasped. "War?"

Kovu's eyes widened, as he had thought out loud. He looked at Emba and made up a chuckle. "Sorry, Emba, I'm..." He pretended to yawn. "...exhausted." He laid down and closed his eyes. "Forget what I said."

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