2 "It's just a name..."

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**Black Magic**

"Here's your kidney, Jack" I said as I gave him one of the kidneys I stored in my pocket. He grabbed the kidney and looked at me.

"I know there's still two more in your pocket." E.J. said. I shrugged. "Give them up, Chris." That's what the Pastas call me, Chris, my real name is Chrissie. I growled.

"They're mine." Jack tried to dig in my pocket but I moved back a little. "Back off, E.J.!" I yelled.

"But I'm hungry!" He whined as he made another failed attempt to dig in my pocket again. I sighed in annoyance as I slapped his hands away from me.

"You have a freezer full of them and you want let me eat them!" I yelled at him. Soon Slendy came downstairs an saw us fighting.

"What's going on?" Slendy's voice boomed into our minds as we looked back at him.

"Chris wont get me the extra kidney's in her pocket!" E.J. exclaimed.

"Where did they come from?"

"People that I killed." I reasoned.

"Jack, back off. If she killed them, she gets them."

"But I'm hungry!" E.J. whined.

"You have a freezer full of kidneys, go eat them." I rolled my eyes as E.J. went into the kitchen. He listens to Slendy but not me? I sighed as I ran up into my room and saw Symphony Sin sitting on her bed.

"Wassup?" She greeted me as I plopped down onto my bed.

"Nada." I said as I took off my mask.

"I like it when you're mask is off." She randomly said.


"Because you don't have blood on your face." I snickered before looking out of the window beside my bed. I saw Jeff run into the mansion with fresh new blood on his sweatshirt.

"Jeffery's home." I warned Symphony As she sighed.

"Don't call me that." I heard Jeff growl at my door. I chuckled.

"Sorry." I apologized for real.

"I'll kill you if you call me that again."

"Jeff, we all know we can't kill each other. We're inhuman!" Symphony pointed out making Jeff sigh.

"I can't stay mad at you guys." He said, smiling.

"It's just a name." I said under my breath.

"Never speak of this." Jeff warned before going out of our room. I chuckled.

"Remember when we met?" Symphony randomly asks. I glared at her.

"The day I got caught and almost died that day? Yes." She chuckled.

"You pussy."

"Shut up." I threw a pillow at her but missed she giggled before turning her lamp off.

"Go to sleep." She said.

"Stop stealing my phrase!" We heard Jeff in the next room.

"Stop eavesdropping!" I yelled as I turned of my lamp and yawned, falling into a drift.

~~dream/flashback lol~~

I crawled through the window and silently landed on the carpet. I walked over to the girl's bed. I put my knife onto her neck.

"Ring around the fire," I started to sing but she got up and threw me onto the floor, really hard. "Shit!" She grabbed my knife and put it against my neck.

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