5 "Looks wrong from here"

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**Black Magic**

"You sure they all are gonna fit?" I asked E.J. as he sighed.

"Yes. They're gonna fit, I'm pretty sure." E.J. assured as we carried tons of kidneys up the stairs. E.J. finally stole that mini fridge and put it in his room, which means he's not gonna use the freezer again. We made it in the room and put the kidneys in the already open fridge. There's very little space, yet we got all of the kidneys inside.

"Why did I have to help you?" I ask him.

"Because I wanna see you suffer." He growled as I gave him a confused look. He chuckled. "I know that you love kidneys, like I do, and you can't eat mine. So I have you carry about 20 kidneys that are mine but can't eat."

"That's really stupid."


"'Cause I steal kidneys all the time! I don't ever suffer!" I walked out of his room and went into my room. I didn't see Symphony anywhere and plus BEN was somewhere that wasn't here so I needed company. I knew Symphony was in Jeff's room so I walked towards his. I walked in to see Symphony on top of Jeff. And they were kissing. FRENCH KISSING!!! TONGUE TO FUCKING TONGUE! "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WALK INTO?!" I randomly yelled as she stopped immediately and stared at me wide eyed.

"CHRISSIE!" She yelled.

"OWIE MY EYES!!! SORRY!!" I ran out and went into my room and into the bathroom, rubbing water into my eyes. "Shit! It's not going away!" I yelled.

"What's not going away?" I heard BEN's voice in the doorway. I stared at him.

"That stupid moment I walked into. It was including Jeff and Symphony." I responded as I got out of the bathroom and laid on my bed, BEN next to me.

"What were they doing?"

"French kissing. Tongue on tongue."

"So?" BEN said as he shrugged. "Get over it." He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead as I looked up at him. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as I dug my head into his chest.

"You do?!" BEN asked as I nodded.

"Yes. Do you not want me too?" I asked him before I looked up at him, curious.

"No, it's fine. I love you too." I smiled as I dug my face in his chest again.

"Do you really have to go through devices to kill someone?" I asked him as he chuckled.


"I have to look out for my phone then... If I find it." He smiled before kissing my forehead again.

"You're so adorable." I giggled as he tickled my side. "So that's your ticklish spot?"

"No." I said almost immediately as he smirked. He got up and put his hands on my sides, slightly gripping them. "You wouldn't."

"Yes I would." He started tickling me and I started to giggle.

"BEN... stop!" I said breathlessly as I started to giggle really hard. We heard the door slam open. BEN stopped and we looked at Symphony and Jeff.

"What were you two doing?" Symphony asked.

"Uh... I was tickling her." BEN answered.

"Looks wrong from here." Jeff stated, making me blush a little. BEN chuckled.

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