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**Black Magic**

I woke up to Symphony telling me to wake up. "I'm up." I groaned as she stopped and left the room. I looked over at the clock as it read 8:30. Must be dinner time. I walked downstairs to see everyone at the table except BEN and this time, E.J. too.

"Chrissie! Where's E.J. and BEN?!" I heard Sally ask louldy and sadly as I sat down.

"I don't know where E.J. is but BEN's probably out In the woods." I sighed before I took a bite out of my spaghetti. She nodded sadly as she took a bite out of her pulled pork sandwich.

"Hey, what happened between you and BEN?" L.J. asked me while he sat down next to me. I got up and ran upstairs to my room, crying. I decided to take a walk in the woods. So I climbed out of my window.


++two weeks later++


"Where's Chrissie?" E.J. asked me. He was found today in an abandoned house, which was Jeff's old one.

"Nobody knows." I sighed as a few tears ran down my cheeks. "Nobody has found her since she left two weeks ago. BEN finally came back a day after her disappearence. When the news, he never came out of his room since. I never went in there since the door is always locked. Sally never talked. Jeff went in more killing sprees than usual. And everyone else stayed the same." He slowly nodded as he got up. "Where are you going?"

"My room." I nodded slowly.

**Eyeless Jack**

I took in a deep breath as I knocked on BEN's door.

"What?" I heard him spit out through the door.

"BEN it's me, let me in." I demanded.

"What do you want E.J.?" BEN asked.

"Let me in and I'll tell you." Soon, the door opened and BEN's face was shown to me. He sniffles before letting me in.

"I'm sorry." He said as he looked down."I took away Chrissie from you."


"I know you guys didn't love each other like she loved me. You guys had a sibling relationship, and I ran her off because of it. I'll never forgot the words I said to her before she ran off crying." His voice cracked at the end.

"What was those words exactly?" I asked him.

"'You fucked E.J.'" I was taken back by his words. "I was so stupid to let my jealousy take over me." I nodded slowly.

"I have to go." He nodded before walking out and closing the door behind me.

**Black Magic**

"Thanks for everything, D.J." I thanked him as he smiled back at me.

"Its no big deal, you're an old friend that's need help." He said as I shook my head.

"It is a big deal." I said. "You even cleaned the blood stains off my clothes! I couldn't even do that!"

"And you had to be naked for more than an hour."

"At least I had the covers to cover me up." We laughed as we continued to watch The Duff movie. I soon heard heard a loud ringing in my ears with static.

"Do you hear that too? The static?"

"Aw shit."


"Slender is here." I sighed.

"THE.... SlenderMan?" He asked, eyes widened as he asked me. I nodded as I got up to see Slendy standing behind the couch. His head probably hurts since it's hitting the ceiling.

"What do you want Slendy?" I sighed after I asked him.

"You need to come home." He said to me.

"Why?" I scoffed. "I might be fucking E.J." I said as I rolled my eyes, referring to what BEN said to me.

"I know BEN hurt you but he didn't mean what he said."

"Yea right." I scoffed again.

"BEN has told E.J. his feelings about you." He sighed. Why would he do that? I asked myself in my mind. "BEN truly means 'sorry'. He hasn't came in his came out of his room, and he hasn't ate anything since he heard the news. Which was the day after your disapearence." I looked back at D.J. to see that he was staring at Slendy. Slendy seemed to noticed who I was staring at and walked towards him, but I stopped him.

"I'll come back on one condition." I reasoned.

"What is that?"

"Don't kill D.J." Slendy sighed as he nodded. "And D.J. if you tell anyone about this, you die."

"Alright, bye Christanie." I hissed at the name but waved goodbye anyways before Slendy teleported us back to the mansion. Soon, Sally saw us and squealed before running towards me and hugged me.

"OK, what's the-" E.J. come down, but obviously he stopped talking when he saw Sally hugging me. He ran over to me and hugged me. Soon, Symphony came downstairs, saw me and ran towards me with tears in tears in her eyes. I backed off all of them and walked towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Symphony whined. As I looked back at her.

"BEN." I said monotoned as they all nodded. I ran up the stairs and ran towards BEN'S door. I took a deep breath before knocking.

"Go away!" He yelled shakily through the door. I took the key that he gave me that goes to his room from my pocket and unlocked the door, coming in afterwards. "Excuse me but I don't want to- Chrissie?" He said as he looked back at me. I ran to hug him as he did too.

"I missed you." I said in his chest as a few eyes escaped my eyes.

"I've missed you to." I smiled and hugged him tighter.

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