{15} "Nah, I'm Fine"

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**Black Magic**

"I'm booooorrrreeed." I whined as I plopped on BEN's bed.

"Then let's play the new games we got." BEN said simply as I sat in front of the TV. I gave him a stern look.

"No. I wanna do something else."


"No!" He chuckled before he got on Legends Of Zelda: The Wind Waker. "I'm bored."

"Go bother Symphony then." He said before I groaned and walked out of his room. I walked towards Symphony's and I's room until I heard sobs in Jeff's room. I knocked on his door. I needed to give back his pants anyways.

"Go away!" I heard him yell.

"It's me, Chrissie, I have your pants." I said through the door as it opened, revealing Jeff. He had bloodshot eyes as there were tear stains down his cheeks. But besides that he let me in. I sat on his bed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. I heard him sniffle. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not gonna talk about it." He croaked as I rolled my eyes. I threw his pants at him.

"At least put on pants. I don't want to see you cry in boxers." He chuckled before standing up and putting them on.

"But BEN probably farted in my pants."

"It's just farts." He rolled his eyes and sat back down. "Could you tell me what's wrong? It looks weird to see tear stains on your face." He sighed.

"Symphony broke up with me."

"How come?"

"This isn't a questionnaire." He said rudely.

"Just tell me, please."

"You're so stubborn." I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, she said something about me being a douche and not caring about anything."

"Oh." He sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I nodded slowly as I looked around his room. There were new tiny holes in the walls, which meant he was stabbing the walls again. I got up and reached towards his door. "Where you going?"

"To the human world."

"I'm coming with you."

"Yea, I do need help with the tons of kidneys I'm going to take back." He rolled his eyes as he chuckled.


"Hey you girls over there!" A male voice say. We turned around to face the two older looking guys in front of Jeff and I. "Oh wow. Like that cosplay is going to scare me."

"What the fuck!? This isn't cosplay!" Jeff yelled.

"Sure. Two young girls walking down the streets as Jeff the Killer and Black Magic. Sorry to rain on your parade, girls, but Jeff and Black Magic isn't real."

"Say that we're not real again, you're gonna get it!" I said as I pulled out the bloody hatchet out of my bag.

"Ha! Playing the 'Fake blood on hatchet' trick on me is gonna work." The blonde guy said as he smirked. "Now I wonder what's up this little skirt..." He was going to stick his hand up my skirt until Jeff pushed the guy on the ground and put his knife on the guy's neck.

"Don't fucking touch her!" He yelled.

"Trying to be the tough girl here eh?" The brown haired guy said behind me as he grabbed my arm. I screamed before slicing his wrist with my hatchet. "HOLY SHIT!! BRUCE IT'S REALLY HER!!!!" 

"No it's not, Ben." The other guy said.

"Hmm, I have a friend named BEN. But you're not him, so goodbye." I made this cute face before chopping off his neck.

"OH SHIT!!!" The blonde guy yelled, trying to get out of Jeff's grip.

"Next time, think about trying to rape Black Magic! See what happens!" Jeff yelled, "You may do the honors." Jeff said as he got off of the guy and gestured him to me. I took the sword from the pocket in this belt that Dark gave to me {the belt is at the top}, as the guy ran, I threw it at him and it got him directly where the heart is. 

"I'm starting to love this sword." I said as I got the sword back from the guy's back and put it back int he pocket. "It's gonna be hard to clean though."

"It's not gonna be hard! It's like cleaning a knife."

"Oh." Jeff chuckled at my stupidity. I rolled my eyes as we walked back the the mansion.


"I smell kidneys!!" E.J. yelled.

"Get your own!" I yelled at him as he tried to take my bag since the kidneys were in there. He whined then walked away. I noticed that Jeff was at my side still. I shrugged. I saw Symphony smirking in a corner. I ran up there. "What's with that silly smirk?"

"Take off the mask. I want to see your face expression." I was confused but took off my mask. "You and Jeff. Sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She sang softly in an Italian accent.

"What the fuck? Me and Jeff are just friends..." I said ಠ_ಠ.

"The way you said that sentence explains it all. You like Jeff." I rolled my eyes. "But more than friends." She whispered in my ear. I screamed in frustration before running upstairs to my room. Soon there was a knock on the door I groaned before opening the door to reveal Jeff.

"Ya still need help with the kidneys? I still have a ton in my pockets and that one bag." I chuckled before getting the bag he was holding.

"Oh and the kidneys in your pocket, just give them to E.J., I owe him anyways." I was about to walk away until Jeff stopped me.

"Aren't you gonna put them in a refrigerator or something?"

"No, I like them not refrigerated." He shrugged before walking away. I closed the door.

"Jeff and Chrissie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"God dammit Symphony! You need to stop that!" I yelled in surprise as she just laughed.

"Nah, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.

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