{14} "I'm Sorry"

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**Black Magic**

"We're having chicken tonight." Slendy's voice said as he passed out pieces of chickens on a plate to everyone at the table.

"No wonder there was two live chickens in the mansion." Dark Link said blankly. I took a bite of my chicken. "I like your new wardrobe, Chris. Very sexy." Dark smirked as he winked as I gave him the middle finger. Symphony chuckled.


"Uh, you're sure?" BEN asked as I nodded. "Sooo, we're gonna steal from game stop?" I nodded again. "I hope you know that, that place has top notch security."

"I don't care, we can get Slenderp to get us out of jail."

"But he's gonna yell at us if we get caught."

"You can teleport, I have amazing speed.... I'm sure we wont get caught." He bit his lip as he nodded. "You need some eye contacts and new clothes." His  eyes widened.

"NO!!! NOT THOSE AGAIN!!!" He yelled as I chuckled.

"Brown, Green, or blue?"


"You want new games?" He nodded. "Now choose a color!" He sighed, knowing that he wont win this battle.

"Green." I chuckled as I handed him the eye contacts. He put them on and blinked a couple times. "Feels different from last time."

"I made some comfortable ones." He nodded. "I need some pants from Jeff, a jacket from Masky, and shoes from E.J."

"E.J.'s shoes suck."

"You want fangirls on ya?" He shook his head. "Then come on!"


"So you want my pants?" Jeff asked as we nodded. "And why does BEN have normal green eyes?"

"They're contacts and we need a disguise." I said.

"From what?"

"We're gonna steal some new games from Game Stop." BEN said eagerly.

"These are the only pants I have clean right now."

"You can walk around in your boxers, you've done it before." I said.

"And how would you know that?"

"Dude, I live here." He sighed before taking off his pants and handing it to BEN.

"Don't tear any holes in them." I rolled my eyes as he went towards Masky's door. As soon as we knocked on it we saw Masky's face.

"What do you want? And why do you have Jeff's pants?"

"We need a jacket for our disguise." He sighed as he went back into his room and came pack with a pink jacket.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! I'M NOT WEARING THAT!!" BEN yelled as his eye widened.

"And why not?" Masky asked.

"IT'S PINK!!!"

"Tough guys wear pink. I guess you're not as tough." I said as he sighed and took the jacket before Masky closed the door in our faces. "Time for E.J.'s shoes." He groaned. "What?"

"E.J.'s shoes suck."

"I don't care. you're not wearing those." I said pointing at his shoes.

"Lucky enough I stole some Nike's." Symphony said, making us jump a little.

"Good, what color?" BEN asked.

"Blue and black!" She said happily as she brought out some blue Nike's [pic at the top]. 

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