{24} "Wait, you like me?"

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**Black Magic**

The song wont go with the chapter but who cares, I love this song more than I love chicken (Don't judge me, I'm punk rock.)

I was walking around in the human world, without my mask and regular clothes of course. (She was wearing the outfit above) I was at least walking until I heard fainted screams behind me. I looked behind to see a girl running from a gang in all black clothing. I was wondering what happened until the chic bumped into me and we both fell onto the ground.

"Come back here!" A guy yelled. Well that gang runs very slowly, they're still back there.

"Hide me, please." The girl looked at me. I know this chic. It's Leigha. Well, her burns seemed to heal from 10 months ago.


"How the hell do you know me?" She asked before staring at me closely. "Christanie?" I growled

"It's Chrissie." I said roughly.

"Ok ok. Just please hide me."

"Alright hold on to me." I demanded.

"Hell no! I'm not lesbian!"

"You wanna get killed, raped whatever that gang wants to do to you?" I asked as she shook her head. "Then hold on!" She bear hugged me as I teleported to Slender woods. Far away from the mansion though.

"Wow. I had a question since 10 months though." Lei said.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Why is your name Black Rock Shooter?"

"Well,first of all I'm black, punk rock, and a shooter."

"That doesn't make sense."

"That means I'm being sarcastic. I've never been named Black Rock Shooter." I looked around and realization hit me in the face. "Oh shit, I gotta go, Slenderp's gonna find out. And trust me, he knows everyone." I said before turning around.

"Who's Slenderp?"


"Wait, He's real?!" After she asked, we heard loud ringing in our ears. And soon enough Slendy appeared in front of me.

"I said ONE human, why another?" Slenderp asked.

"Well, I know her for one."I looked back at her to see her terrified face.

"Why'd you save her?"

"I know her!"

"That doesn't mean anything. I need to erase her memory for the last 20 minutes."

"Um, the fuck you not."

"Um yes I do."

"Do I have to get Jeff's bloody knife to cut your damn tendrils off?!"

"Whoop, never mind. Do what you want." He said before disappearing.

"Damn, you're violent." Lei said.

"Trust me, I get what I want with that sentence."


"I'm not spoiled though. I don't ask for much." She nodded. "Well, I gotta go."

"Wait, when can I see you again."

"This isn't a love story, you'll never see me again." She pouted. "I'm just kidding, I'll see you soon." She smiled before I teleported back to the mansion.


So as soon as I came in the mansion everyone was crowed in the living room. I guess I should join in.

"So another will be joining the family today." Slendy said as everyone cheered but me. Nobody cheered when I brought Kai here. I looked over at Kai to see her un-amused face. "Her name is Stardust." After he said that, Symphony just gave him a mean glare as her eyes turned black. There was a tall girl that appeared from Slendy's back. She smirked and waved. After that Symphony growled as she stomped upstairs. "BEN, go talk to Symphony."

"Um, no! She's too scary!"

"I don't care, now go!" BEN Got up and went up the stairs without another word.


"Can-Can I come in?" I stuttered as I knocked on the door.

"GeT tHe FuCk AwAy FrOm My DoOr!!" Symphony yelled in a demonic voice.

"P-please?" I stuttered again.

"Fine." She muttered as she opened the door, pulled me in, and slammed the door shut.

"What's your problem?" I asked confidently. Finally.

"Stardust is my sister." I was in shock as her black eyes faded away. "In my opinion she's a slut, whore, bitch- a slutty, bitchy whore in fact. She steals everyone I like. And I'm afraid that she'll steal you and Jeff."

"Wait, you like me?"

"Umm no, get out." She said quickly before she quickly opened the door and shoved me out and shut the door behind me.

**Black Magic**

I saw BEN walk down the stairs with a 'whoa' face. Saved by the BEN. As soon as he fully was in the living room, Stardust stopped talking. It's been 3 minutes and the chic has talked about 10 topics already. God she's annoying already, I bet Symphony and Kai would agree.

"Hey, you must be BEN." Stardust's annoying voice said as BEN cringed.

"Um, yea." Stardust hugged him. "I don't like hugs now get the fuck off me." He said roughly. She got the message and backed off.

"Hi, I didn't notice you two, now why haven't I've seen you guys?" She asked me and Kai. Um, probably 'cause we're in a dark corner. I wanted to say it but I didn't. "Now what's you're guys' names." Kai cringed.

"Black Magic."


"Great names!" Stardust squealed, almost bursting our eardrums.

"I'm gonna go upstairs."

"Me too." Kai said before following me upstairs to her room. "I hate her!"

"I know. I can tell by everyone's face that they don't like her. Even Toby!"

"Slenderp needs to get rid of her."

"Immediately." I said before sighing. "I have to deal with Jane trying to kill me and Stardust. I don't want her to call me Chrissie because she's annoying." She nodded as Jeff just busted through the door. "What the fuck Jeff! There's a thing called knocking!" I yelled as he closed the door.

"I think Stardust likes me." Jeff said.

"Oh hell no, if she touches Symphony territory she gonna get killed." Kai said as Jeff nodded. "Here's a question; do you like Stardust back?"

"Hell no!! She's annoying as fuck!" Soon enough Stardust came through the door.

"Who wants brownies!!" Stardust squealed.

"Not me!" Kai, Jeff, and I said in unison as she pouted and and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"I want to kill her." Jeff said.

"No you need to kill her." I said as he nodded.

"I'll add that to my bucket list."

"Alright let's fight Stardust!" I heard Symphony cheer.

"When did you get here?" I asked as she shrugged.

"I was listening by the door since Jeff's in here."

"You don't trust us?!" Kai and I asked in unison.

"Eh." Symphony shrugged as she walked away.

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