{17} "Let's go bish"

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**Black Magic**

I was once again enjoying an awesome dream until some shithead woke me up.

"Chrissie, Chrissie, Chrissie." They kept poking me too.

"What." I hissed as they stopped poking me. I opened my eyes to see Toby. "What do you want?"

"Want a waffle?" He said as he put a waffle in my face.

"Again, you probably ejected your cum into it now get it out of my face." He sighed before going out of Slendy's nursing room. I heard the door open and close. I looked over at the door to see Jeff.

"Hey." He greeted softly as I smiled.


"I'm sorry for throwing that knife at you. I meant to throw it at the wall."

"It's fine." I said as I sat up. "When will I get out of this healing room?"

"Healing room?"

"Isn't this room for me to heal?" He shrugged as I chuckled.

"Anyways, Slenderp said as soon as you wake up, He's gonna do something with his tendrils."

"If ya know what I mean." I wiggled my eyebrows as he chuckled.

"You nasty." I smirked as I looked out the window to see something in the trees.



"Something's in the trees out there." He stood up and looked out the window.

"Oh shit. It's Jane."

"I thought we killed the bitch!?" I screeched.

"Once you get Jane you can never go back."

"Don't you mean 'once you go black you can never go back'?"

"No I mean, once you get Jane you can never go back."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"I don't care, once you get Jane you can never go back."

"Once I have that thick ass body I don't wanna go back."

"What the fuck!?" Jeff yelled as I chuckled.

"Jane's body is fucking thick. I wanna be thick." I exclaimed.

"Get plastic surgery."

"Oh Elmo."

"Ya mean 'hell no'?" Jeff asked as I shook my head.

"No I mean Elmo bish."


"Ya exactly."

"Alright, Jeffery-"

"Don't fucking call me that, Slenderp!" Slendy sighed.

"Alright Jeff, you need to get out so I can heal Chrissie's wound."

"If ya know what I mean." Jeff said.

"Shut up!" Me and Slendy said in unison. Wow, that never happened before!

"Alright, alright, I'll leave." I chuckled as Jeff left the room.

"You ready?"

"Well duh!"


I ran down the stairs. "Wassgood- oh shit it's Jane." I looked at Jane. Symphony, E.J., Sally, L.J., Dark Link. and Toby sat on the couch. They all looked like they were gonna kill her. "Don't worry guys. Jeff and I got it."

"No you guys don't." Jane's annoying voice said as I rolled my eyes.


"Don't fucking call- oh shit it's Jane." Jeff got cut off by Jane's appearance like I just did. I looked over at Symphony to see that she was holding up a heart with her hands. 'Shut the fuck up' I mouthed to her as she rolled her eyes.

"Yo, Dark, I need to borrow your sword."

"Get your own!" Dark said rudely.

"I don't have the time to get my sword! Now give it up!" I yelled back as he sighed and threw his sword at me. I eventually caught it.

"Let's go bish." Jeff said as he swung his knife at Jane but she blocked it with her knife. I snuck up behind her. I jumped in the air and almost sliced her but she turned around quickly and blocked it with her knife. I flew back into the couch behind me 

"Oh you're going down bish." I ran into her and started swinging Dark's sword. "Hey Jeff, let's use our combo move."

"Don't you mean yours?" He grunted as he kept swinging his knife.

"Whatever, let's do it." He nodded curtly as I hopped out of the fight and went to the wall. "Here, Dark." I threw the sword back at him and he caught it. "Bring that hatchet here." I told my mask as I held out my hand and seconds later my hatchet was in my hand. "Jeff, ya ready?"


"Come on!" He ditched Jane and started running towards me, when he was like 2 feet from me I told my mask; "Combine." When he ran into me we turned in to Wombina. {I just made a girl name with 'Wombo' from 'Wombo Combo' XD}. 

"Feels good." Jeff said as I chuckled. Jeff and I's height was combined (about 11 feet tall) My hatchet was like one of those swords that you can use two sides except one side was a knife. Half of the head had Jeff's face and the other side was my mask. We wore black leggings and a black and white sweatshirt.

"Jeff, Let's fight!" We ran into Jane and stabbed her with the weapon's knife end but she dodged it. Then we kicked her as she flew into the wall. Then we swung the hatchet at Jane and we sliced her in half. "Goodbye, Wombina." That was the keywords to un-combine Jeff and I.

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