{40} "Hell yea"

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"SUP BITCHES!!!" I yell as I enter the mansion. BEN, Sally, E.J., L.J., Jessica, and Kai all in the main room.

"Waddup hoe, where you been?" Kai asked.

"Out. Too bad I didn't get any kidneys." I said.

"Gross." Jessica said under her breath.

"Shut the hell up Jessica, you little whore ass bitch." I said as I walked up the stairs into Symphony and I's room to see Liu on her bed. "Hey Liu, where's my bitch at?" I asked him. Symphony and I haven't really talked in a while because mostly I've been sleeping in someone else's room for the past couple of weeks.

"In the bathroom." Liu said. I went towards the bathroom and banged on the door.


"Nah, bitch." I heard her say. I let myself in to see her changing.

"Nice ass. You fucked Liu yet?"

"What the fuck? No!"

"Then why is he on your bed?"

"He on my bed?"

"Yea." I said as I left. I might as well see how Alice doing. Haven't seen her in a while. Good thing it isn't between midnight and dawn because I might as well be talking to the upgraded version of Jeff. I knocked on her door, waiting patiently. A few seconds later I heard footsteps coming towards the door. Soon it open with Alice in my face.

"Hey Chrissie!" She squealed. "Where's BEN?" She asked me almost immediately, looking around for that little tall midget. (He's a midget but taller than me [5"] by 1 and a half inches).

"Um, I don't know, why?" I asked her back.

"Well since you guys are dating, I figured he'd be with you most of the time." Did this bitch say that BEN the little psycho midget was dating me? Oh hell no!

"Um, excuse me?"


"I'm not dating BEN." I said firmly.

"How come you guys act like it?" She asked me.

"We have a special sibling relationship."

"Oh." She said.

"Yea." I said awkwardly. "I used to date him tho. But his jealousy over me and E.J. broke us up." She stared at me in confusion. "He thought I was cheating on him with E.J." She nodded.

"Um, I gotta go. I'm decorating my room now." She said before slamming the door back in my face. Well, that was awkward. I soon went across the hall to BEN's room. I didn't even bother knocking because I knew that he was in there playing video games as usual. But he wasn't playing video games, he was laying in his bed, with his eyes closed.

"Oh shit. BEN are you dead?" I asked him.

"Nah, I'm awake. Wanna play SSB4?" He asked as I walked to the edge of his bed and picked up the gamepad.

"Hell yea."

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