{8} Badass

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**Black Magic**

I woke up to a crash and a voice saying something. Sounded like, "Shit" and maybe as a hiss. I opened my eyes and looked at the window to see a man with black hair with a knife in his hand.

"Aw elmo." I meant to say'hell no' but I didn't like cussing that much.

"Oh so I see you're awake, eh?" His dark, mysterious, raspy voice said. "Do me a favor."

"What the?"

"Go to sleep!" Be bounced on me but I grabbed the hand with the knife in it.

"Like I said, 'aw elmo'."

"What the hell is that supposed to be?" He said before screaming as I twisted his arm. I grabbed my emergency knife from my desk and snuck behind him in his crouching position.

"Now why dont you 'Go to sleep'?" Sooner or later some sassy badass glasses was on me and so was a bandana. There was Gucci signs and iluminati signs in the background while people where saying 'Oh!' In a super cool way. And cool sirens we're heard and-

"Wake the fuck up!" Someone yelled in my face. I opened my eyes quickly as I saw Jeff's face in front of me.

"What the hell?"

"Time for dinner." He said sweetly as he got off of me. I looked at the clock as it read 8:30 pm. I slept for little of time. "What we're you dreaming about? You we're smiling in your sleep like you were badass or something."

"Well I had a dream where you were trying to kill me when I was human. It was pretty badass." He smirked.

"Tell me some details."

"I'll tell it to everybody at the table." Once we we're seated at the table, I saw Slendy cooking one plate. Weird. "Everybody listen," Soon enough everyone's heads turned to me. "I had this weird dream," And then I told everyone about my cool glasses, bandana. The Gucci signs and iluminati signs in the background. The super cool sirens and the people saying 'oh!' In a cool way, like I just fried somebody. Even when I said 'Aw elmo'

"In my opinion, that's pretty badass." BEN said as everyone nodded their heads exept Jeff who looked really jealous.

"I wish I could kill like that." Jeff said.

"Well I have a bandana and badass looking glasses you could wear." I said.

"What about the Gucci and iluminati signs. What about the people saying 'oh' in a super cool way?" Jeff asked.

"I could come with you and use my illusion powers." He nodded.

"I want to see it!" Symphony whined.

"I'll use my video recording camera on my mask to record it." I sighed. It feels like I'm explaining my powers now. ('△`)

"I'm sure it would look badass when they do that. But right now we have dinner." Slendy said as he past out plates of pasta to everyone.

"Ugh. I hate pasta." Toby said sadly.

"Do you want waffles?" Slendy sighed as Toby eagerly nodded his head. Slendy took his plate and popped two waffles into the toaster.

"Man, I wish I saw your dream, Chris." E.J. said as Masky and Hoddie nodded in agreement.

"I have it saved in my dream files on my mask." I said before taking a bite of pasta.

"Lets see it after dinner!" BEN said egarly.

"Alright, alright." I sighed.

"Wait, you can keep files on your mask?" Masky asked as I nodded. "Damn I wish I had a mask like that. How'd you even get it?"

"I threatened some computer geeks to make my mask when I came here. They did a pretty good job at making it too. But they called the popo after they did it."

"So that's why the popo was looking for you." Sally said as I nodded.


I put the mask on the floor as everyone sat somewhere, either on the floor or on the couch. I pressed the star on my mask to see a holographic screen pop up. I lightly touched 'files' then 'dream files' then 'most recent'.

"Damn that's so cool." BEN said as I nodded. I touched the first one that popped up. The high definition screen of my dream popped up.


"Now why don't you 'go to sleep'?" Then the glasses and bandana flew on me and the people said 'oh' like I fried Jeff. Iluminati and Gucci signs floated into the background as super cool sirens was heard. Then the dream was over because Jeff woke me up.

"Damn." Hoodie said as the Pasta's looked at the holographic home screen blankly. Soon the silence we're gone with comments like; 'Damn', 'his face though' and 'so cool.'

"You wish you did that." Jeff said as he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Lets go hunting now."

"And do my dream?" I asked him.

"Yea come on and use your powers to do the Gucci and iluminati and sirens and the-"

"Don't get too excited." I chuckled as I cut him off.

"Oh well, come on." He said as I grabbed my mask, turning it off afterwards before he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't have too fun!" We heard Sally said as Jeff told her to 'shut up'. As we walked out of the masion.


We climbed through the window of the one story house. We went into the bedroom to see a girl on her bed sleeping. Luckily she was the only one here. Sooner or later Jeff straddled the girl and pressed his knife against her neck. I started to record. Soon the girl's eyes opened and widened.

"Hey, do me a favor." Jeff said.

"W-what is i-it?" She stuttered.

"Go to sleep." He said before the girl screamed as her neck bled and died quickly. I did my illusion powers and did it like my dream. Soon I picked up my glasses and bandana with telepathy and put it on Jeff. Now he looked even more badass with that smile. The recording stopped.

"Got it. Lets show the others." I was about to climb out the window until Jeff stopped me.

"What about the Gucci and iluminati signs floating in the air?" He asked.

"I wanna see the look on the cops faces. By the way they'll be here in two minutes. Silent security alarm." He nodded as we hid in the closet. I started recording as the cops busted through the door. The two officers looked at the floating iluminati and Gucci signs everywhere.

"What the hell?" They both said as they tried to shoot all of the signs but failed terribly. I used my telepathy to shoo the cops into the wall as Jeff jumped out and stabbed both of them until they died. I stopped recording.

"Wait till the others see this."


"Oh my God look at their faces!" BEN said as he laughed when the videos was done. Soon all the Pastas went somewhere. I followed BEN into his room.

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