{38} "Well damn"

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Finally drew a pic of Black Magic 3.0. Its like the third update of her but who gives a shit? There might be some small smut sooo u might wanna be prepared 😂😂

I kept eating the sandwich until it was gone. Gosh, I haven't realized how good Tyler's flesh was.

"Hi sissy." I heard BEN behind me that.

"Don't call me that." I demanded.

"Fine, sis." He mumbled under his breath. "Wanna go killing?"

"Nah. I'm good."

"OK." And with that he walked away.

"BEN, that doesn't mean we can't hang out." Soon after BEN came back with a devilsh grin.

"Well, I do need some help with a prank I'm gonna pull on Jeff."

"What do I have to do? " I asked as BEN come up to my ear.

"You just need to make Jeff horny." He whispered in my ear.

"Hell no."

"Come on, you need to do it for the prank!" He begged.

"Fine. What's the plan?" I asked as I leaned back onto the counter.

"Well, first of all, we need to make him horny," I nodded. "So at exactly noon, when Symphony wakes up, we'll pants him in front of her."

"OK, but if I lose my virginity to Jeff, it's all your fault."

"Oh, you won't." He said as he chuckled. "Its 11:15. Just enough time." I sighed as I followed him upstairs to his room. He threw clothing at my face. "Wear that." I looked at the piece of clothing to see that it was black spandex.

"What the hell?"

"And this too." He threw a black tank at me. "Since you have a big ass, it'll be easier with the spanks. And with the black tank, he just likes black on cute girls."

"Well damn." I mumbled as I quickly put them on. When I finish we walked to Jeff's door I knocked on it and out my hand on my hip.

"Hey Chris- damn." Jeff said as he opened the door. He let me in as he closed the door behind him. "Is this a dream?" I walked close to him. I knew he had a love for New York accents, so I did my best Harley Quinn impression.

"If it was would you feel this?" I said in my Harley Quinn impression as I grabbed his buldge. To be honest that was the best impression I ever had. He moaned quietly. Yea, if I lose my virginty it's totally BEN 's fault.

"You have nice tits, Chrissie." I felt my face burn as he groaped my chest. I looked at the clock behind him to see that it was 11:50. Why can't it be over now? He grabbed my butt unexpected so I gasped in response. He took his moment to immediately make out with me. It all stopped when BEN knocked on the door. I groaned.

"Don't leave me." I whined. I literally did Not mean to say that.

"I'm sorry babe." He whispered before opening the door and going at the hallway. Soon after I heard Symphony scream. "BEN I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I heard Jeff yell. I giggled as I sat on Jeff's bed. Was I seriously willing to do this? I'm gonna get my virginity stolen by Jeff. Ugh damn BEN. Why did I agree to do this? I heard a sigh in front of me. I looked up to see Jeff. "You ready?" I nodded slowly as he sat down next to me.

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