{16} Liu...

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**Black Magic**

I was enjoying a frickin deadly dream, {By deadly I mean awesome}, until some crazy sounding thud came to ears. I sat up immediately and looked over at Symphony sleeping. How the hell could she be sleep? I shrugged as I got up and got my sword from under my bed. For some reason it was under my bed!? I walked out of the room and went downstairs to see frickin Jane! She was probably looking for something.

"Yo, how'd you get in here?" I said while I rubbed my eyes. I must have frightened her since she jumped a little.

"Why are you up so late?" She asked me.

"Don't you mean early? And why are you here?" I chuckled as a thought came to mind. "Came to find Jeff?" She shrugged. I held up my sword, as if I was pointing at her with a reeeeaaally long finger. "Hand in the air. Cause your going down bish." (^ω^) I made this adorable face before pouncing on her from the third step of the stairs. I would've sliced her in half if it wasn't for that stupid knife she has. I kept swinging my sword towards her but she either dodges it or just swing her knife with my sword.

"Yo! Lemme join in!" I heard Jeff's voice as he jumped in. {Just picture one of those anime scenes when a dude jumps in a fight or something like that, I swear it was like that XD} Now it would be hard for Jane to fight XD. "Can ya fight with two bish?" Jane grunted as she tried to fight Jeff off her back.

"Get the hell off of me!" She yelled.

"Heads up!" I said as Jeff jumped off and I sliced off her head. "Yaaassss! We killed the bish!" He chuckled. I looked at Jane's body but then I realized that her body broke the frickin glass coffee table.

"Dammit, Slenderp's gonna be pissed."

"He's not gonna be pissed." I sighed. "All we gotta do is hide Jane's body and-"

"Let's just put 'it' in the woods." I could tell that 'it' was Jane's body. "Then let's just clean the glass and blood and hide the remains." I nodded curtly as we started to clean everything up.


I walked downstairs after a wonderful nap. Jeff, E.J, and Symphony was on the couch while I dunno where the others are. I just shrugged and sat next to Jeff. Soon enough Slendy walked downstairs and looked at us the the spot where the coffee table was. Oh shit.

"Where's the coffee table?" He asked as I looked over at Jeff. I could tell he was holding back laughs. I rolled my eyes. "Jeff? Chrissie?"

"What?" We replied in unison.

"Did you guys have something to do with this?"

"Nuu not at all." I said as Slenderp shrugged and walked into the kitchen probably to cook breakfast. (^ω^). After he left Jeff and I burst into laughter.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Symphony asked us as I tried to stop laughing.

"We totally beat Jane's ass earlier this morning, and her body broke the table." Jeff said in a hushed voice before Slenderp came back in.

"Chrissie! Jeffery!"

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"What's wrong, Slenderp?" I asked him.

"You guys broke the table! I heard what Jeff said!"

"Ummm... actually Jane did, since her thick ass body fell on it." I said, dreaming about being thick like her. With dat big ass and tits. I seriously want those.

"Umm... where did you exactly put Jane's body?"

"Don't worry Slenderp, we threw it out somewhere in the woods." Jeff said.

"When will you stop calling me 'Slenderp'?"

"Never." Me and Jeff said in unison before he groaned and left.

"Sooo, Jeff, guess whose coming over today!" Symphony squealed before Jeff shrugged. "Liu!!!!"

"Oohh, shit." I muttered under my breath. Jeff got up.

"Hey Chris, can I talk to you in private?" Jeff asked nervously.

"Um, sure." I got up before he technically dragged me all the way to his room. He slammed the door shut before turning around. "What's wrong breh?"

"I do not want Liu coming here." He said angrily.

"LIU!!!!!" We heard Symphony squeal as Jeff groaned.

"If I see him again I'll-"

"Do what Jeffy?" I heard Symphony's voice at the door. I looked at her to see Liu behind her.

"Um, nothing." Jeff said quickly before Symphony chuckled.

"Oh well, say hi to your brother!" She squealed.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked her.

"I didn't know that Jeffy had a brother, and so cute!" Jeff rolled his eyes.

"Sup, Jeff." Liu said quietly as Jeff nodded curtly.

"I overheard Slendy talking to Dark Link about it, apparently Dark and Liu are best friends like that." Symphony reasoned as I nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go now, see ya guys, well anytime." She waved as I shrugged. Jeff growled.

"What's wrong? Liu seems pretty nice."

"Whatever. I'm mad because I never wanted to see him. Why didn't Slenderp tell me that he was coming?!" He grabbed his knife and tried to throw it at the wall.

But it hit me in the shoulder.

I screamed in pain.

"Oh shit! Chrissie! I'm so sorry!" I watched as blood flooded from my shoulder to down my arms. That was the only thing I saw before blacking out.


I woke up to sobbing in the background. I fully opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I turning my head to see Jeff at the desk, with his head in his arms. I looked at my shoulder to see if it was OK, the knife was gone and there was a bandage wrapped around it. Gladly it stopped hurting and bleeding.

"Jeff, what's wrong?" I croaked. He got up quickly and slowly turned around to see me.

"W-what?" He asked.

"I asked you what was wrong?"

"Oh, 'what's wrong'?" He chuckled. "I wish I didn't walk into Symphony kissing my fucking brother."

"Oh. Where am I?"

"Changing the subject aren't you?"  He stood up. "I need someone to kill right now."

"Not me. I'm already dead." I said. "Now where am I?"

"Inside a room of Slenderp's office."

"Oh. OK."

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