{27} "Dayum Kai"

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**Kai's POV**

Since everyone was doing something and too busy to hang with me, I decided to take a walk to the park. I brought my mp3 player with the songs I like. After walking for a while I finally took a seat down on a swing at the empty park and took starting to swing. I was listening to Tomorrow Never Dies by 5 Seconds of Summer until someone lightly tapped my shoulder. I took one earbud out of my ear and turned around to see Jason Davis, the bully of my third grade life.

"Aren't you Kaimayda?" He asked me as the guys behind him smirked, trying to hold in laughs as well.

"U-um, no." I answered.

"Stop lying bitch, I know it's you." He said roughly.

"What do you want?"

"For you to die."

"Wait, what?" I asked before the two guys behind him tackled me to the ground as I screamed. I started to through fire balls at them but missed every time.

"Pin her down, you idiots!" Jason yelled as they did as told. I used my telekinesis to make them fly off of me as their back landed in the swings.

"Damn." I heard one of them groan. They got up in a painful looking way and ran towards me. I dodged them. As I dodged I felt a very sharp pain in my stomach. I look down to see a knife in my stomach. I chuckled as I took it out.

"Thanks." I mumbled as I stabbed the two guys, I looked back at Jason to see a terrified look on his face. I was walking towards Jason as he backed up, apparently I'm fast because I am now 4 feet from him. That's when I saw a flash in front of my eyes and a male scream. I opened my eyes, which I didn't even knew was closed, and saw Jason's dead body and Symphony, yes Symphony, was standing beside the corpse.

"Hated this guy since first grade." I heard her mumble as she turned to me. "You alright?" She asked me as I nodded slowly.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"No problem, you should get your hood on quickly." Another flash and she's gone. I looked behind me to see I little kid crying.

"You killed bubby!" He screamed as he pointed to one of the guys on the wood chips. How is he a bubby? I ran back to the mansion.


**Black Magic**

"Slenderp I have a stab mark in my stomach and you need to fix it!" I heard Kai yell as she walked through the door.

"I can't fix it." Slenderp said. "Go into the bathroom and put a bandage around your stomach, the first aid kit is under the sink." She nodded before going upstairs.

"Gee what happened to her?" I asked myself.

"She got stabbed, by Jason." I jumped as I realized it was just Symphony.

"Jason? The horror movie character?" I asked her.

"No, Jason Davis, I don't think you know him."

"No, I knew him."


"When you was in 2nd he started bullying me."

"Since first?" I nodded. "Ok then." Soon enough Kai jogged down the stairs in a sports bra {Picture above} and seven eighths of her stomach covered in bandage.

"That was probably a big knife." I said.

"It was bigger than a butcher knife." She said

"Ouch." She nodded.

"Dayum Kai." Dark said as he was about to slap her ass but she grabbed his hand.

"Don't you dare." She growled as her eyes turned yellow and orange.

"Ok." He shook as she let go. He ran upstairs. She was still wearing her normal pants and boots, just not with a top.

"Was it bigger than Jeff's knife?" Symphony asked as me and Kai snickered. "Not that kind! I meant- never mind."

"I don't how big is it?" Jeff asked as Kai chuckled. Classic, Jeff, just fucking classic. "Maybe a 12-"

"OK WE NEED TO STOP TALKING ABOUT JEFF'S DICK NOW!" I yelled as Symphony chuckled.

"I'm serious it's 12-"

"Stop!" I interrupted. "No one needs to know about your sex life!"

"Ok ok, then." Jeff grumbled as he stomped up the stairs.

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