{26} "Kidney pie"

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**Black Magic**

Eggs. Flour. A small bottle of blood. Dough. And 3 fresh kidneys.

"What are you doing?" Slenderp asks me.

"May I use your kitchen?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"May I ask what you are making?"

"Kidney pie."

"Clean up when you're done." I nodded as he left the kitchen.

"I want some." E.J. whined as I groaned.

"Fine, but I get three biggest pieces." I said.

"Fine, but I'll help you." E.J. said.

"Fine." I sighed as he walked up to the counter. I pulled out a bowl, a big one, I cracked two eggs as the slimy stuff inside dropped into the bowl. I got one cup of flour and poured it inside with the eggs. I poured the whole small bottle of blood into the bowl. "E.J., get the cutting board and cut the kidneys. Not too big, not too small."

"Okay." He said as I started to mix the stuff together. I dipped my finger into it and tasted it.

"Needs more sugar."

"You didn't even put any in there in the first place."

"Shut up." I said as I was looking through cabinets to find the sugar. I found some dusty sugar in one of the cabinets. Looks ancient. I licked my finger and opened the pack to taste some. "Still good." I said as I poured three-fourths of a cup into the bowl.

"Done." E.J. exclaimed.

"Well that was fast." I said.

"Well, I used Jeff to cut them up."

"Yea, I just finished fucking Symphony." Jeff said.

"God, Jeff, shut up I'm cooking. And no one wants to know about your sex life.

"But you need to know."

"Um, the fuck I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Get the fuck out of my face."

"Sorry." He apologized as he backed up a little bit. I chuckled.

"My name is Jeff." I whispered slowly.

"What the hell did you just say?" Jeff asked me as I giggled.

"My. Name. Is. Jeff."

"Um, no it's not."

"My name is Jeff."

"Stop it."

"My name is Jeff."

"I'm Jeff, not you."

"My name is Jeff." He growled as he stomped of the kitchen. "Awe man, I wanted to fight him."

"Maybe he's mature now." E.J. said as I chuckled.

"He'll never be mature. I just know it." I said as I turned on the oven. I took the cutting board and stirred the gloppy mess. Now it's an, egg, flour, sugar, blood, and kidney mess. I took the dough out of the bag, found a pie thingy, and fit the dough inside. I poured the mix inside and I put some dough over it. After that, I put the un-baked pie in the oven.

"I'll set the timer to 30-"

"25" I corrected him.

"25 minutes from now." I threw a thumbs up at them.


So that was some random how to on to make kidney pie... *Scratches neck nervously*

I actually came up with this idea in class, with the approval of my friend, Samantha! But oh well. Have fun, Stay Gucci, and continue with your life.... or nah.

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