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We soon heard a knock on BEN's door. We were in the middle of playing Mario Kart 8 at the time. BEN paused the game and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stood up, about to go get the door.

"What if it's Alice? What if she heard my confession?" BEN asked quietly and terrified. I sighed.

"What if it's not her?" I asked as he chuckled. "Just act cool if she is at the door, okay?" He nodded as I took off his hat and put it on my head. He frowned and I giggled. The person knocked again, obviously impatient.

"She's coming, hold your dick!" BEN said as I laughed.

"I don't have a dick!" Symphony yelled back. He chuckled as I opened the door. "Hey, BEN, ya mind if I steal Chrissie from you?" She asked politely.

"But we in the middle of a game," BEN whined.

"Just pause for at least 10 minutes please, I promise I'll bring her back." He sighed.

"Fine, but if she's not back in 30 minutes I'm beating your ass." Symphony smirked.

"I'm sure you'd like that." She replied all flirty and stuff.

"Ok, ok, enough, I'm not gonna look at a friend flirt with another friend, it's just sickening," I said as  I pushed Symphony out of the room. "I'll be back, BEN."

"Okay." I heard him say before I closed the door. After that, Symphony actually drags me back to our room and slams me onto my bed.

"Damn, Symphony, are you mad?" I asked as she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She sat on her bed slowly.

"No... I can't understand this feeling." Symphony says as she looks at her feet.

"What? What feeling?" I asked.

"My heart started beating when I walked past Jeff today," Symphony said. If I was drinking a beverage right now, I would've done a spit take. She blushed. That was a first. "I fell onto the ground because of the unknown feeling."

If you guys want to know why it was an unknown feeling of a heart beat, it's because she forgot how it felt like. She's been dead for a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaal long time, she did know she was alive once but she forgot what if felt to have a heart. She always thought that her heart was looooooong dead.

"Um, wow, like a heart attack?" I asked as she nodded.

"When he helped me get up it started beating harder. I don't like it, what does it mean?" Symphony exclaimed.

"It means that you're in love." I said quietly.

"What?" She asked.

"It means that you're in love with Jeff." I said a bit clearer.

"Oh my gosh." She said surprised. "I shouldn't have broken up with him! I need him back." She said.

"I've got a plan." I said as she smirked.

"Thanks, I owe you." I winked at her and ran out of the room to Jeff's


"Why am I going in your room again?" Jeff asked for the 4th time.

"You'll see." I said as I pushed him into my room. I slammed the door behind him and locked it from the outside. Seconds later I started to hear banging on the door.

"Chris, let me out!" Jeff yelled.

"Just let her talk to you! I'll be back!" I yelled back and ran into BEN's room to continue Mario Kart.

Symphony's POV

Jeff finally stopped banging on the door and turned back to face me. He gave me a look of disgust and I felt 'it' break. I'm not used to a heart and I don't think I will.

"Look, Jeff-"

"Why am I here? I thought you hated me?" Jeff asked.

"Just listen to me," I said as I took a deep breath and started to explain to him how I've made a mistake. I should've kept him, even through the mistakes he made.

And thankfully he listened.

Now we're together again and I never felt happier. Even 'it' started to beat fastly due to the excitement. I'll never let him slip through my fingers ever again

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