{13} "Fuck off, Dark"

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**Black Magic**

"AHH!! SLENDY WHY IS THERE CHICKENS IN HERE!?!?!" I heard Dark Link scream as I walked down the stairs. I saw to live chickens. LIVE chickens, running around, as Slenderp chases them with a butcher knife.

"What the hell?" Jeff said as he simply threw a knife at one of the chickens, making a kill instantly. I made it to the bottom of the stairs and I got Jeff's attention instantly. "Chrissie? What are you doing here?!" He asked in excitement and in a high pitched voice like a giddy schoolgirl. I chuckled.

"I came back." I said Staring at Slenderp chasing the other chicken. I threw my hatchet at the last chicken. The hatchet just cut of the bird's head as blood squirted everywhere, eventually getting on me and Jeff. "Anyways, I need a new wardrobe, I'm getting tired of this outfit."

"Why?" Jeff asked me.

"The hoodie is too loose, and it's a bright color. The skirt doesn't match, and I can get rid of the leggings if I wanted to."

"My sweatshirt is white! What's wrong with bright colors!"

"Your hoodie makes sense since your always wearing black and white."

"Oh." He said simply as I chuckled.

"You said that right on time!" I heard Symphony chirped behind me. I turned around and saw that she had a smile but she had a big brown paper bag.

"What does that bag have?" I asked her.

"Your new clothes! I stole them from JCPenny." She giggled as she handed me the bag.

"Um, OK, I'll go put them on. They better be badass!" I yelled as I went up the stairs. I finally made it to my and Symphony's room. I stripped down to my bra and panties (*Giggles* Panties.) as I pulled out a blue and black skirt. I shrugged it  off and put it on anyways. Next was a black light jacket with a black tank. The bag still seemed heavy so I looked inside to see a new hatchet and knife. "Symphony, I swear, you're the best." I mumbled as I but the bag on my dresser and went downstairs.

"Hey Chrissie, looking like a badass female." Jeff said as Symphony rolled her eyes.

"Yes, very badass, but I'm sure you'll need some new shoes." She got another bag from behind her. I took the bag and opened it to see some black converse high tops.

"Did you take those from my room?"

"You don't need those raggedy black boots you always wear." She smiled as I chuckled.

"Answer my question, Symphony."

"Yes, I took them out your room. You have like tons of them in your closet and you and Chrissie has the same shoe size in boys."

"So you're saying I have small feet?!" Jeff asked in surprise.

"Eh." She said. After I got them on, I got Symphony's attention as she smiled. "Here's a backpack to hold your new hatchet and new knife." She handed me a small black backpack.

"Oh yea thanks."

"Hey, you're looking sexy!" I heard Dark Link say as he smirked.

"Fuck off, Dark."


Wassup people! Um, sorry it's so short, I'm grounded and I'm trying my best to not get caught! I'm sorry, loves! See you guys in the next chapter!

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