4 "Did we just kiss?"

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I woke up to see Symphony on her sleeping and cuddling with Jeff. Since when was he in here? Oh well, I looked over at the clock to see it was 8:10. At least I have 20 minutes to get ready. I went into the connected bathroom and striped down. I turned on the water and jumped in when it was warm.

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I got out of the shower and Jeff was gone, but Symphony is still sleep on her bed. I soon got a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked through the door as I looked over at the clock as it said 8:20.

"It's BEN, can I come in?" He asked as I stood there shocked. BEN never knocked on a door besides Slendy's?

"Uh, no. I'm getting changed."

"OK." I looked through the dressers to get a bra and a pair of panties (*giggles* panties ^ω^) and put them on. I went into the bathroom and put on my blue sweatshirt with no sleeves, my black leggings, then pink skirt. I picked up my mask from the floor and put it on my face with the strap over the hoodie. I didn't worry about Symphony, I walk out of our room to see BEN sitting on the wall across from the room.

"What the?" I asked confused.

"I-uh- wanted to wait for you." BEN said before standing up. "And the wooden floor makes my butt hurt." I giggled before following him down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat down in my seat with BEN sitting next to me.

"You don't have to sit next to me." I assured him, smiling under my mask. The only one sitting at the table was Masky, Hoodie, E.J. and Sally, besides BEN and I. Slendy was making breakfast like he does everyday.

"But I want to." BEN replies as I blushed. I never been so wanted in my life, I never really felt that way, and BEN wants me so much that he's trying to not be a pervert. No one has ever done that to me.

"By the way, there's going to be a new rule." Slendy's voiced boomed threw our minds as we looked at him make the foods.

"What is that?" E.J. asked before he yawned.

"There's no wearing masks at the table."

"Yay! I could see Chrissie's pretty face again!" Sally cheered as I chuckled before taking off my mask. Hoodie groaned.

"Fine, Hoodie, since you're so insecure you can keep it on"

"Yay!" Hoodie said as Masky and E.J. took off their masks. Soon, Symphony and Jeff came downstairs and sat next to each other.

"Wassup, Chris." Symphony said to me as I nodded. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I looked at the clock as it read 8:30, then I looked over at Slendy trying to hold 10 plates with his 6 tendrils. He's probably waiting for L.J. and Dark Link. I thought. As if on cue, L.J. and Dark Link came in and sat in the open two seats. Slendy started to pass out the plates. When he was done he had a confused look, well sort of, since he has no face it's really hard to tell.

"What's wrong Slendy?" Sally's sweet voice asked.

"I forgot about Toby... where is he?" Slendy asked. Then Toby came in and took a seat on the right side of me.

"S-sorry I'm late." Toby said as he looked at Slender. Slendy shrugged it off.

"Toby I forgot about your waffles... I'll go make them now." Slendy walked over to the freezer and opened it as a few wrapped up kidneys fell out. "E.J. we need to get you a mini fridge."

"I will steal one in the future." E.J. said as he took a bite out of his kidney.

"Today please." E.J. nodded as Slendy got frozen waffles out of them. I had waffles, Symphony has bacon and eggs, Jeff has sausages, Sally has eggs, Masky has cheesecake, Hoodie has apple pie as well as L.J., BEN has pancakes and so does Dark Link. Toby looked at my plate before looking at Slendy with anger.

"S-Slendy, did y-you give her some of m-my waffles?" Toby asked.

"No, Toby, I gave her a different kind. Don't get mad." Toby nodded as he got his plate with waffles on it.

After we ate our breakfast, BEN and I went into my room while Symphony was in Jeff's room doing something I don't want to know.

"Chris?" I heard BEN's voice say.

"Hmm?" I hummed looking up at him.

"Would you be my girlfriend." I sighed.

"I don't know." I said as I put my head back into his chest, as for we were sorta cuddling or some shit. I don't know. I felt him kiss my forehead.

"You're so adorable when you don't know stuff." I giggled as my head dug further into his chest. "I love you." I looked at BEN as he looked down at me. I felt his warms lips onto mine as we moved in sync. I straddle him before his hands roamed my back.

"It's going down for real!" I heard Jeff's voice as BEN and I looked at the door to see Jeff and Symphony. I threw a pillow at Jeff.

"BEN and Chris, sitting in a tree-"

"Shut up!" BEN blushed as he cut off Symphony's little song.

"Awe, they're blushing!" Jeff and Symphony said at the same time. I chuckled.

"Why did you have to come in here?" I asked Jeff and Symphony.

"I left my knife in here." Jeff said. "Oh here it is!" He said before picking it up from the floor. He whispered something to Symphony before she nodded.

"See you love birds later!" She said before closing the door behind her as she left. I looked back at BEN as he looked at me.

"Did we just kiss?" BEN asked.

"Yea." I said breathlessly.

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